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I'll be your crying shoulder....

Happy Pink Weds to ALl!
(and yes, I know I'm not writing in Pink)

I have been bad about updating my blog lately, it seems like I have alot going on, but when I sit down and think about writing something, I can't think of anything entertaining to write about!

I think I have finally settled into my new routine and schedule. Its funny, now that I get off work an hour and a half later than I did at my old job, I do so much more in the evenings. Before I would get off work, be home in ten mins, and spend the rest of the day/evening sacked out on my couch doing nothing.

Now I actually come home and WORK OUT, yes I said WORK OUT. (I'm in my second week of regular exercise, more about that later.) Clean, make dinner, and prepare food for lunch, and do domestic type of things. Its weird, I finally feel like I have officially grown up! You would think being 26, soon to be 27 (EEGADS!! MAKE THE AGING STOP!!!!) I would have had this feeling several years before, but no, its just hitting me now:)

Now about the working out.. A few weeks ago my Parents surprised me with a nifty stationary bike they had bought off of craigslist for next to nothing. As a bonus it has the arm thingies at the top so you can get an upper body/cardio workout while you're toning your legs. Not gonna lie, it takes some getting used to. But after two weeks I am up to biking 10 miles a night!!! I want to up it to 20, but I think I will break the workout in two. Because, seriously, after 10 miles, your booty starts to hurt!

My good friend and old suitemate and partner in crime, Priscila, henceforth known as Caca, is my diet/workout buddy. She has made this really cool chart where we enter our weights and see how far we're coming week to week. We weigh in tomorrow and for the first time in my life i'm actually excited to weigh myself! We are focusing not only on working out but on eating better, and less portion wise. This week has actually gone really well for me eating wise. Hopefully I can keep it up!! We have a goal set for Christmas, we both want to look good! (especially Caca because she is going to get engaged soon! SHHHH!!! ;) ) So thats pretty exciting!!

Speaking of Christmas and EXCITEMENT my bestest friend in the ENTIRE UNIVERSE is coming to visit me over Christmas! SO EXCITED!!! We're actually going to get to spend quality time with eachother, thanks to my awesome job giving me Christmas and the day after off, as well as New Years and the day after!~now if only we could get dates!!~ So even if i have to work it would only be 3 days. I am so beyond excited to see her and spend time with her!! She is the one person in the world that TOTALLY gets me. Although sometimes she's allittle slow.. (Priv??! ;) ) I love her anyway!

Yesterday we had a slightly stressful event at work. I almost got beaten up by one of our students. Worse, it was a girl. Shorter than me. She was quite perturbed at something and I kept trying to calm her down and explain to her the procedure and that I had nothing to do with it, I went out of my way to help her and she was still fired up. I was starting to get really nervous about what she was going to do. It lasted about 20 mins. One of our poor student council members was waiting in line and finally sat down, the look on his face during her tirade. Priceless. Thankfully she left and went on to stress out some other poor soul. I have only had 2 disgruntled rude students in the time I have been here, compared to daily cuss-outs at my odld job so I think we're doing good..:)

This week is my old best friends wedding. I cannot believe little Amy is getting married. I am so happy for her because she found someone who treats her like a princess and she so deserves that. But a part of me is sad, because that chapter is officially closed. She's getting married and moving to Hawaii with her Marine, and while i'm happy for her, I get kind of sad thinking about all of the years we spent together and how close we were, and knowing that I'll never have that back. Can you tell I don't do well with change? So yeah, I have allready informed her that I will be bawling through the entire wedding. (although I am pretty sure she will be too..) Thank goodness for waterproof mascara, thats all I can say!!

Katie is going with me to the wedding, so I don't look and feel like a dork alone. (and she's going to protect me from jerkface, my ex.) So never fear I will post some pictures on here after the weekend!!

Peace and Love



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