This feels like making a dating profile.
I don't like surprises, I like to have everything planned out. Also, I'm nosy, so good luck trying to pull something over on me without me finding out!
The word Spontaneous makes me break out into a neck rash. I can be spontaneous, just let me know the date and time and I'll put it in my three calendars.
If you haven't guessed by now I'm a nerd. (And not a Star Wars type of Nerd, no offense to them) I'd rather read than do almost anything, and a good spreadsheet or Word document makes my heart go pitter patter.
I'm pretty easy going, but there are a few hills I will die on.
I try to live up to my name, I have a big heart and am mostly marshmallow fluff, except when the feisty in me gets triggered. Then you need to watch out.
I wear my heart on my sleeve, am very sensitive despite my attempts to be a tough girl. I love my people and I love them hard.
I'm an Introvert in disguise. I like talking to people, but need to go home and be alone to recharge.
I am completely convinced that birthdays should be celebrated EVERY YEAR no matter what. And of course, balloons should be included
I think I'm quite hilarious at times and can find humor in almost every situation. It's ok if you don't laugh at my jokes. I'll laugh enough for the both of us.
I've been known to use my dimple and charming smile to talk my way out of things. Or at least attempt to.
I am not a morning person. If Jesus returns in the morning he's going to have to blow that trumpet in my ear to get me up.
I wrap gifts like I'm a three year old. And that's somewhat insulting to three year olds.
I firmly believe that the 90's and early 2000's was the best time period of music, and my love for BSB and NYSNC runs deep.
I tell extremely long winded stories. And my texts are more like chapters of the Bible.
I think kids are hilarious, which is helpful since I'm a Teacher.
I've never met a baby I haven't wanted to cuddle. I'm somewhat of a baby whisperer, and the 12 and under crowd are my people.
And yes, this is my real hair.