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The Bible Recap Day 45- Leviticus 5-7 (Year Three Podcast)

Welcome back to Leviticus Friends!

Today we are in chapters 5-7 and I'll admit on the first pass through of it, while listening to it on my Bible app and reading along, I didn't make a ton of notes. But when I listened to the pod things made more sense, and I got a lot more from it. Which is why I highly reccomend listening to the pod after doing your reading. TL breaks it down and shares historical and meanings of things that those of us not steeped in our Hebrew, might not know. 

Things I found interesting:

She mentioned that God is the only one who has spoken so far in Leviticus. Tomorrow we get a switchup with Moses and Aaron but so far the first 7 chapters have all been God talking!

We talk about blood some more, and she again makes the note that it is a reminder of the fall and that God is working on rebuilding Eden. She also notes that blood is given back to God because God is the giver and taker of life. 

A question I had, when we were in 5:11, talking about the rich and the poor. How exactly did we have the rich and the poor? The Israelites had just been ensalved in Egypt for 400 years. And while they plundered it and took all kinds of gold, etc, (flashback to Ex when they made the gold calf and had gold jewelry) how did they get to have different levels of wealth? Very curious about that. I love that The Lord sees everyone and loves everyone and made a way for them, but I just had to wonder how exactly some people were rich and some were poor. I would have thought they would be all on the same level. But apparently I was wrong!

I loved 6:18, Any male among Aarons descendants may eat the food. We talked about how God provided for the Priests by having them get food from the sacrifices. This is provisions for generations upon generations. It is such a great reminder that God already has literally everything planned out. He's already made a way. He was already providing food for Aaron's great times however many grandsons. That just gives me the good chill bumps. 

I think my God shot today was how God doesn't run away from sin. TL made the great quote that if he did he would have to be quarantined forever because the only one without sin is God. All the rest of us are sinners. He knew that and chose us anyway. And when the Israelites sin, intentionally or unintentionally, he still calls them close to him. He set up the sacrifices to atone for their sins so they could be close to him. He could have been like nope, you're done. And in the first 30 seconds everyone would be gone.  But instead he calls us to draw near to us when we are sinning. Not to be ashamed. He built his house right smack dab in the middle of our sin. INTENTIONALLY. 

It reminds me of a time in my life, late 2003 to be exact. When I had walked away from God. It was a rough rough time, I'm pretty sure my testimony is linked at the top of my blog. It's somewhere on there. Anywho, It was a ROUGH time in my life. I was sinning and I knew it. And I was ashamed of my sin. I knew it was wrong. So I stopped going to church and purposely pushed away the Godly people close to me. I had one friend, (Cindy girl, I love you. ) who I let stay in my inner circle and despite her knowing I was sinning and not being ok with it. She still stuck with me. I know she prayed and prayed for me. And she was the person I called at 3 am in the morning of January 1, 2004 when God chased me down and tackled me to the ground. That year was one of the sweetest times of my walk with God. Because for the first time I felt like I really started to grasp a tiny bit of how much he loved me. Despite my sin he still pursued me and chased me down and while I wish that the second half of 2003 hadn't happened. I'm grateful it did, because he used my sin and my walking away from him to show me not just how much I needed him, but HOW MUCH HE LOVED ME.  

I pray that each of you can see God's love for you today. He knows every bit of your mess friend, and he still chose you.


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