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Vegas Baby!!!!

Prepare yourself for massive picture overload!!!!! I'm finally recovering from Vegas and ready to blog about it!
Here are Mel and I at the Airport ready to head out!!
We both wore our old man shoes. This cracks me up because you can clearly see the height difference! I am almost a foot taller than her!!
We had a 4 hour flight and both rocked out to our ipods the whole way. Thank God for electronics. There was a 18 year old kid hitting on me at the gate and then I got stuck sitting by him on the plane. Thankfully i was able to switch with the guy sitting by Mel, otherwise it would have been a BAD flight! He eventually got the clue and started hitting on another girl farther up. I've never wished for an air marshall more than I did at that moment!!
 Finally in Vegas on the tram! We were SOOOO HAPPY at this point!!
Euphoric really!
 Day one of the conference we played slots on our lunch break!
And Mel won 5.00!!!! On a side note, apparently you aren't supposed to take pictures in the Casinos. Who knew? not us! No one ever said anything to us either. So we snapped away!
 Me with a slot machine! I wore my glasses everyday but one, my eyes were so red and swollen with the lack of smoking laws in Nevada. There was smoke everywhere. I was a mess!!
 Day Two, we went to Buca De Bepo (sp?) for dinner and had such a great time! Not to mention the best apple salad of my life!!!!
 Mel and I also matched that night. I swear, same brain, same brain...
 After dinner we wanted to hit up Fremont St to see the light show. Well the Rock N Roll Marathon had the strip and all of downtown shut down, so we parked a ways away (after getting lost in the ghetto) and walked to fremont st. Along the way we joined in the marathon, as the street to get to where we were going was part of the marathon. It was pretty hilarious!!
 Chris passed several people and she wasn't even walking at her full speed!!!!!
Fremont Street!!

 There were a variety of people at Fremont St. Alot of street performers. These two were my favorite. They played drums on these water bottles and buckets and they were sooo good!!
My view during class.
 The Dream Team!!!
Oh this makes me laugh! This was Mel's look every morning before we headed into class. Carrying Bags, my drink, and emailing away.
 Our last night was definitely the best night! Our AMAZING Owner Chris had a night of surprises for us! First stop was Texas De Brazil. If you ever have a chance to go to one, GO! It does not disappoint !! Amazing food and atmosphere!!
 As if you couldn't tell we had an awesome time! it was great to be done with class and be able to let loose and have fun!!
 So at Texas De Brazil they have these men that go around and cut off any kind of meat you can imagine, from their sticks, they cut the meat right at your table! Filet Mignon, FLANK STEAK, Lamb, seriously any kind of meat there is, they cook it! and it was soooo good!!!!
 So the dinner was amazeballs but what came next topped that! We got to go see David Copperfield!! And Mel and I both went on stage to help with two illusions AND we met him back stage!!
Funny story from my time: I was on stage for his encore. They threw out 13 big balls, like exercise balls, into the audience and we hit them around, whoever was holding the ball when the music stopped got to come on stage. And he was going to make people disappear. 

Well it just so happened that when the music stopped I was holding a ball!! I was instantly gleeful, until some jerk guy next to me ripped it out of my hands! I was having NONE of that so I grabbed it back, and according to Chris "shot him the dirtiest look i've ever seen! I didn't know you had it in you!!" apparently nothing was going to stand between Me and David Copperfield!! I will tell you that after I shot him that look he took several steps back and I was on stage with David Copperfield and not him.....

And if you're wondering how excited we were after that...

Yes, I know my mouth is the size of my entire gigantuous head. Details. Needless to say we got about 2.5 hours of sleep that night and I"m pretty sure all of the 7'th floor North Tower heard us giggling and squealing way into the night!

So that's vegas in pictures, I'll do some funny story recaps in the coming week!


lori said…
i went to vegas for my senior trip after high school, and i am dying to go back! so. much. fun!! and love that you got to meet david copperfield... and help on stage!

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