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I had planned to get this post up on Monday during my Administrative Hours, and well, we all know what was going on Monday. (or rather Sunday night) I still am horrified and somewhat speechless about the senseless murder of innocent people who just wanted to see their favorite music artist. I have been in Las Vegas and have walked in the same area that this attack occurred in.  I can't. I just can't come up with words. I feel for those who lost their loved ones, and I feel for the people who were injured, and those who maybe weren't injured physically. But guys, they are going to have to live with living through this event for the rest of their lives. I was watching The Real Monday afternoon and Jeannie was sharing about her friend that was at the concert. She said there was a girl on a guys shoulders, right next to her friend. And as her friend was standing there, she saw the girl get shot and die. I can't even comprehend what that would be like. There were over 22,000 people at that event, and they all will have scars from it. Not all physical. I hurt for them.

There is no good segway from that into last week's recap, but I just couldn't NOT say something.

Sigh... On to last week's recap.

 Monday started off with nerd glasses and my fall lights and leaves on my counter.
 I teach until 8:30 on Monday nights. By 8:45 I am in my jammies, with the lights off, sitting on the couch. Never underestimate the speed of which a piano teacher can get comfy after a long day.
 Tuesday was still hotter than hot outside. And it was my day to go play for my friends at the Alzheimer's wing! I was smart and brought my fan and an extension cord for the fan. I still sweated like the dickens as it was 87 degrees inside, but I didn't die. Oh, and I had an ice pack under my no pedaling leg. :)
 Piano Selfie!
 Wednesday I was really digging my outside. It was finally a little cooler outside so I celebrated with a maxi skirt.
 Thursday it got even cooler so the jeggings came out!

 The nerd glasses made an appearance as well as one of my church t shirts because they are just COMFY.
 After I finished teaching that evening I read one of the best books I have ever read. I was crying at the end of it. Like Blow your nose crying. It was powerful.
 I was getting ready to turn off the light and head to bed that evening when I saw the abundance of post it notes reminders of stuff i needed to do. If it's not written down it doesn't happen!
 Friday morning there was still no rest for the weary. I had an Internet Installer, a Dr Apt, Groceries to get, and a BMV trip. ugh. Anyday with the words BMV in it deserve something special, so I showered and then took my non makeup face over to Dunkin Donuts for a Mocha something or the other. Like a frappucino only WAY better and WAY cheaper. I always forget their larges are basically the size of a big gulp. I was well caffeinated.
 As I was at a stop light on my way home the Dukes of Hazard appeared next to me...
 Got home, got myself ready, and the Internet guy came. He was very nice, which is good as he was there for awhile and then had to come back later after my apts as he had a dr's apt as well and was having an issue with my set up. It worked out great! I went to my apt and the bmv and came home and called him and he came over and got it fixed! Such AWESOME Customer service!!
 Apparently the BMV now gives out fancy ticket numbers. Thankfully I was only there for about 20 mins, and almost paid one dollar per minute. Why are licenses so expensive??! I had to update my address on mine, and it was within 6 months of expiring, so I took care of it all at once. Sadly they took a new picture which will NOT be shared. ever. I look like a serial killer who just smelled something nasty. I wish I was exaggerating. It's bad.
 After all that I came home and hit up a garage sale in my neighborhood. I'm definitely turning into my Mom as i bought tupperware. I have two large containers like the one pictured above. They were my grandma's and my mom has matching ones as well. they are PERFECT for flour and sugar! I think this one is going to be the brown sugar holder.
 I got my internet up and running, watched the 6 pm news, and then headed over to Aldi to go grocery shopping. I finally got home and carried everything in and put it away and made a homemade pizza. and it was delicious! It was 8:30 pm when I finally sat down to have dinner and I was BEAT.
 On a whim I picked up a bag of dried mangoes at Aldi. Sweet Mercy. They are DELICIOUS!!  A perfect snack between students, or for when I want something sweet and fruity. I don't keep a lot of fruit on hand because it tens to go bad before I can eat all of it. So this is perfect for me!
 Saturday I finally had a day of relaxation. I read pretty much all day long, finally slept in, and put my orange lights and leaves on my tree in my living room.
 Sunday I woke up for church and it was 44 degrees. I wore a knee length skirt with bare legs and almost froze. But my shoes were cute and went well with my new cardigan. so there's that.
See! Pretty new cardigan!

After a great church service I ran some errands, picked up the last of what I needed to make a new recipe and finally headed home. I made a fabulous stuffed shells recipe for the first time and it is a keeper!! I cleaned Sunday afternoon and probably read more, I don't remember! And that was week 38!


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