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Book Review: The Last Dance you Saved by LJ Evans

  Buckle Up Buttercup, because Sadie Hatley is finally getting her story!!!! And it did not disappoint at all! The only thing I didn't like about this book is that it ended. I could have kept reading for 1000 more pages.  L.J. Evans is a Masterclass in how to write Romantic Suspense (that's not so scary you can't sleep at night) with witty banter, heroines who kick butt (figuratively and literally). Her books are full of real people with real problems. And I think that's one of the things I appreciate the most about her writing. Yes, her books are an escape for me, but they also show that whatever you're going through in life, everyone else is also going through something.  In the case of Sadie and Rafe alot of those issues they contained to themselves and kept the hurt and pain inside of them, in order to be strong for others and what they thought they needed to be. But L.J. shows us that not only is it okay to let people in, but the beauty and redemption that come...
Recent posts

The Bible Recap Day 47 Leviticus 11-13 Year Three Podcast

  Hey friends! I'm sorry for not posting TBR, ya girl has been sick for the past two weeks. But I'm finally coming back to life, so here is the recap for today! Also some of the pics aren't in order and I don't have it in me to fix them so, sorry. šŸ˜

The Bible Recap Day 46 Leviticus 8- 10 (Year Three Podcast)

Happy Tuesday Friends! And welcome back to Leviticus! Today we are in Chapters 8-10 and things liven up a bit, so let's dive right in. We start off with the differences between Anointing, Consecrating and Ordination, all three of which are happening in the Tabernacle as they get ready for their first weekend service :) I thought it was neat to know that all this happened about one week after they finished building the Tabernacle. They wasted no time meeting with God!  After being enslaved in Egpyt and then in the wilderness, for I believe one year at this point, I bet they were beyond excited to have their own place to worship God. Can you imagine not being able to do that and finally you're able to again? It reminds me a bit of when the Covid-19 Pandemic began, and then kept going. Our church was closed for months which I wholeheartedly agreed with. We learned how to do church online. And then church opened back up, but thanks to me being immunocompromised I wasn't able to...

The Bible Recap Day 45- Leviticus 5-7 (Year Three Podcast)

Welcome back to Leviticus Friends! Today we are in chapters 5-7 and I'll admit on the first pass through of it, while listening to it on my Bible app and reading along, I didn't make a ton of notes. But when I listened to the pod things made more sense, and I got a lot more from it. Which is why I highly reccomend listening to the pod after doing your reading. TL breaks it down and shares historical and meanings of things that those of us not steeped in our Hebrew, might not know.  Things I found interesting: She mentioned that God is the only one who has spoken so far in Leviticus. Tomorrow we get a switchup with Moses and Aaron but so far the first 7 chapters have all been God talking! We talk about blood some more, and she again makes the note that it is a reminder of the fall and that God is working on rebuilding Eden. She also notes that blood is given back to God because God is the giver and taker of life.  A question I had, when we were in 5:11, talking about the rich a...

The Bible Recap Day 44- Leviticus 1-4 (Year Three Podcast)

  Hello there friends! We made it to Leviticus! Wahoo!! I love the Old Testament but I will admit some books and chapters can be harder to connect with. So some of these posts in Leviticus may not be huge, but again it's about showing up and reading God's word everyday. And knowing that even when we don't think it's going to make sense or hit us, he's always got something for us. So onward to Leviticus! I use the She Reads Truth Bible, in the CSB Version, and I really love how as each Chapter of the Bible begins it gives you history and info on who wrote it, sometimes there are maps, this one has a layout of the Tabernacle which I found super helpful because I am terrible at visualizing things in my head.  Leviticus is about a Perfect, Holy God, who wants to be close to his imperfect people. So the laws and the ways to do things are about how to bring his people closer to him.  Some interesting points, The Term Tent of Meeting also refers to the Tabernacle. Sometime...

The Bible Recap Day 43- Exodus 39-40 (Year Three Podcast)

  Well Hello there Friends! This past week I started posting a picture of my Bible reading for the day along with my Birthday countdown, to FB and IG.  And very surprisingly to me people seemed to like the pics and my thoughts on what I was reading for the day. So I decided instead of copying and pasting from FB to IG, that we would dust off the ol' Blog so I can get REALLY wordy.  This is my second read thru of the Bible via The Bible Recap, I highly recommend it, you can google them and find all the info and free reading plans. Their podcast is all on major platforms. I currently listen to it on Podbean because I'm doing Year Three of the Podcast, and was having issues finding the day on Spotify. I can't guarantee I'll always find something super spiritual, some days it's just more about showing up and spending time with God, But I hope it encourages you to do the same and if nothing else this is going to keep me REAL ACCOUNTABLE. Let's hop into our reading fo...

Frugal Friday- (Some) Tips and Tricks on how I get the most bang for my buck

(Shoutout to Ollies for the perfect Picture for this blog post) Remember when it was January and I said I was going to blog more this year? Well, it's now December, and I haven't blogged since January so clearly that goal went out the window.  BUT! I am here blogging today to share something I'm passionate about! And that is SAVING MONEY! And spending the least amount of money on things. Listen, the lower the price of something is, the more I like it.  I was waxing poetic about this subject to a friend on Marco Polo this week and decided that I felt the need to share it with the world. So, world, (or the three people who read my blog) You're Welcome. Sidenote: These are just some of the ways I stretch my dollars and get money back from purchases. Some of these have referral codes that if you join from them I get some sort of a reward, and some don't have codes, or I'm just not cool enough to know where to find them. Use the code, don't use the code, but plea...