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Slow Fade...

Can I just say how excited I am that it is almost Thanksgiving? I am so in need of rest its not even funny!

This has been a very busy week for me and sadly I have two more days of busyness. As soon as I get home from church on Sunday I am laying down on my couch and not moving for hours!!

Last night I did not leave work untill after 7 pm.. We had our Fall Honors Reception and I was in charge of the whole event, so of course I was a nervous wreck! and then some! Thankfully it went quite well, despite what shall now be known as the "Pizza Malfunction" I ordered WAY too many pizzas for the event. Needless to say, every student went home with a Pizza, a class got 4 pizzas and the Bike Club also got pizzas. And yes, I also got two. Anyone wants to guess what I had for lunch today? :)

Yesterday at work we got new computers. FINALLY! The back desk has one monitor, and the front desk has double monitors, which is taking some getting used to. I've only been at the front desk to cover Sara for lunch, since this is my off week, so I will have to adjust to them next week. We now have Microsoft 2007, which has been, shall we say, DIFFICULT to get used to! Especially after we have had 03 at every job I've had.

It seriously took me 5 minutes yesterday to find out how to Print in Word. And I'm Word 03 Certified. *shakes head* I think I need to take a class. Don't even get me started on using Excel!!! The good part of getting new computers was that hot It guy, HIG, was in our office for over an hour yesterday and I got to spend that time with him, since i kept having to log on both systems muliple tiems for him to get all of my stuff set up. So that was nice. I have no clue why the man doesn't LIKE me. I think I'm downright hilarious and he even laughs at my jokes when I'm talking to him or my co workers, and he will join in on conversations. Clearly there is something wrong with him because I'm stinking fabulous!!

And I know i'm fabulous because I was able to crack the tough shell of the Head of the Cafe here.. I am now known as "Charity, ol Buddy" he even gave me cookies today after our planning meeting for the Commencement Reception. Yeah I'm in charge of that too! And the President will be there, so yeah. its a month from today and I am allready thinking about freaking out. Thankfully there will be plenty of staff on hand from the Cafe if something goes wrong, it should be easily fixed. Now all we have to do is pray that there is not a massive snowstorm. (apparently thats what happened last year..)

It seems like I have worked at Purdue forever, but just this week was my 90 days! My review is being worked on and I will get it after Thanksgiving and be able to read it and then meet with my boss. I am hoping and praying for a raise. I do make more here than my old job, which is good, but I could use a raise. When they hired me they made it clear that was a good possibility at my 90 days so I am praying. I'm rather nervous about it but Caca has done alot to help my fears. At my old job if you were in your bosses office it was never anything positive. I left her office many times crying and feeling like a complete and total failure and wondering why they hired me and kept me there if i was so inept. So I am slightly afraid of that given thats the only experience I have had. But my boss here is so nice, she is always praising us for what we've done. So i'm praying its positive.



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