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Christmas Recap!

So other than posting pictures of my Nephew I am seriously struggling with the whole blogging thing! I don't know what my problem is! It seems like I have been SO busy ever since break!

I did have a wonderful Christmas with my family!

I drove home to the farm Thursday night after work, and sacked out on the couch reading a book, and then I moved to my bed to continue reading the book untill almost 2 am! It was a really good book! I finally gave up and went to sleep since my eyes were hurting.

I got the best sleep Thursday night that I had in months! I slept untill 2 pm!!!! And what did I do when I got up? Went right back to my book to find out what happened! :)

I did finish my book and then helped Mom with some of the dinner preparations. I discovered that I am not good at twisting knot rolls. Way too complicated for me. So I just rolled them out for her and she twisted them. I don't think I'll ever be making pretzels at this rate!

After that I discovered that I am actually really good at chopping up vegetables! We were having steak for dinner, and I wanted mashed potatoes so my Mom decided to make some real ones. I cook with the box variety so this was new to me :) I was quite good and fast at cutting up the potatoes, I was rather surprised and proud of myself!!

I can't really remember what I did that evening. Considering I read 3 books in 3 days I'm pretty sure I was on the couch reading again. I didn't watch TV the entire time I was home, except for a weather forecast and it was great! Oh yes, now I remember! We called my brother to talk to him and my sil since they wouldn't be home for Christmas for the first time in 28 years we spent it apart :( kinda sad. it was good to catch up and I got to hear Benjamin squawking in his swing. So cute!!

Christmas morning I set my alarm for 9ish, got up and got ready, had to make myself beautiful for my annual me by the tree pictures :) So we did that and then finally got around to the Christmas story and prayer time around 10:45ish.

Thankfully Dad did not read all the way to Romans this year. After that one year of that happening we have yet to let him forget that. Shockingly we actually didn't even make it out of Luke! Although I will say by the time he finally stopped reading Jesus was no longer a baby, nor was he a little boy :)

We had a great time opening presents, I got a new camera!!!!! and black fake uggs that I wanted for work. I was so happy! Those were the two things I wanted so I was good after that! I did get alot of cool stuff and stuff I needed! We give fun stuff but we also give practical stuff, with Mom's couponing she's able to get so many deals and cheap/free things. I don't mind at all! I would rather get shampoo, conditioner, hair goop, ect than have to pay for it myself!

(The only downside is that it makes your luggage very heavy! I had brought home my biggest suitcase and packed everything, well almost everything, in it. Bad news was it was SO HEAVY I could barely lift it into my truck when I left Sunday. I was hoping to have someone help me carry it up to my 3'rd floor apt lest I kill myself or massively injure a body part, but no one I texted replied so after a few hours of waiting I sucked it up and wrestled that thing upstairs. All I will say is that 1. it wasn't pretty 2. i will not be doing that ever again. the end.)

My Mom made me a really cool photo book from shutterfly, I'm tellin you I love them!!! It was really neat! Photo books are my new love! And Grams made me these awesome picture collages of relatives, dating back to the 1800's! it was really awesome. there was one guy on there that was Scottish but he looked like Ulysses grant! It was pretty neat! And I finally got some speakers for my ipod! So excited!!

So it was a wonderful Christmas.

Christmas was also when my stomach finally decided that it liked food again after being in the Hospital and sick. I ate, and have been eating, like there is a Famine coming in the land!!! We had a great dinner of my fave things, green bean casserole, cheesy potaoes and mm mm mm turkey! I have become a big lover of turkey!!

Sunday morning we got up and went to my parents church. They went to ABF so I drove seperately and met them for the Worship service. When I pulled out of the garage I heard a gurgling sound. So I stopped and it went away after a few seconds. I didn't see anything and I was running late so I headed to church.

Had a great church service, the teens led the music and it was so good! I heard a piano/drum duet that was awesome! And "little" Tyler sang Casting Crowns "While you were sleeping" which about made me bawl. That kid has a voice on him! I had chills!!

Left church and came home, and I pull up beside my parents and Dad is making concerned looks. He motions me to back up, so I do. Only to see the entire contents of my oil on the snow. I had driven with no oil in my truck. Thank goodness Church is only 6 miles away, but he is still not sure how it didn't damage the engine. God's grace was upon me! Thankfully there was no huge problem, just an issue with the old oil filter that was easily fixed. Stressed me and Mom out for the entire time Dad was in the garage working on it though.

After everything was ok we had a celebratory lunch of beef and noodles with mashed potatoes. does anyone else not in Indiana do that? I'll have to post pics of what it looks like, it is SOOOO GOOD!!!

I will also do a seperate post of the man with a rifle in our tree- have no fears, I got pictures! And I will post pictures from our Christmas Celebration!!

Today Emboz and I are having our monthly lunch with Bethy and baby Madi! And tonight I get to babysit Madi for a little bit! I"m so excited! So several posts coming up, stay tuned!


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