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Where have you been Cherrybear??!!

Some of you may have been thinking this very question and wondering how my nephew was doing and what was going on.

Well, Cherrybear was in the Hospital.

Nope not the NICU in Iowa visiting Benjamin.

Good ol St E East here in L-town.

I decided to check out first hand the quality of the facility that our students do some of their clinical work in, you know, just to make sure it was up to par and all..

or maybe not....

Well I have been in the Hospital. It all started almost a week ago last Sunday morning.

I woke up not feeling good and thought it was just my normal stomach issues.

Untill I found myself in the bathroom throwing up and doing other things we shall not speak of.

17 times.

17 times in 11 hours.

I did not know that was possible.

I did not want to know that was possible.

I'm here to tell you that sadly for my sake, it was possible.

Apes and Steve came over to check on me in the afternoon after I had texted her I was so sick and kept passing out and couldn't keep anything in. Oh yeah, did I mention I passed out after and sometimes during, each and every time? Yes, It was nothing but fun and excitement here let me tell you.

Anywho, they came over to check on me and got me gatorade and pedialyte and apparently I looked pretty bad. She said my lips were blue. I don't remember a whole lot.

15 mins after they let me chugging down liquids I puked them all up. again. About an hour later we decided it was time to go to the er.

So they very kindly took me to the er in the middle of a snowstorm and stayed with me for 5!!! hours untill they were finally able to reach my dr and admit me. Apparently at St E you have to have a referral? to admit someone, so they had to page my dr who never answered, finally they paged someone else and they finally admitted me at 10:30 pm. I didn't actually get to my room until close to 1 am.

The two days in the hospital were kind of a blur. I remember some parts and some are fuzzy. It was kinda scary before I got in there because I couldn't stop getting sick and I had never been sick like that ever before. But once I actually got into the Hospital and they ran tests and told me how sick I was in fact, I felt better because I knew I was somewhere I would be taken care of.

Remember that snowstorm? that kept my parents from being able to visit because they were snowed in. usually i would have been super bummed but i was so just miserable I didn't care. And I did have some wonderful friends who came and visited me.

I had texted Dr Avery when I got into my room Sunday night (no cell service in er!) and that was of course the ONE NIGHT where he decides to actually sleep and go to bed early. Needless to say he had a surprise when he woke up the next morning. As did I a little before noon when he texted me and said i"m at the hospital where are you at? he stayed with me for three hours untill I was almost asleep. I was out within 10 mins of him leaving. It was really sweet of him to come and take care of me, especially since I was all alone. I won't mention how I felt about him sitting right across from me drinking a Wild Berry Smoothie from Starbucks which he oh so helpfully told me was just right down the hall from my room. Nope, won't talk about that at all!!

Monday night Katie Marie, who thankfully has a key to my place, came by and brought me my blankie and some more pants and socks. Emboz and Bethy came by to visit me while she was there and brought me a lovely plant which I have now accidentally killed. whoops. It was beautiful while it lasted!!

I finally got out and my boss very kindly taxi'd me home and helped me carry my stuff up. I've slept most of the time that I've been home. Last night I finally started to feel like I was getting better and feeling more like myself. I had a setback on Thursday and went to see my Dr because I was still feeling miserable and guess what still dehydrated despite drinking half of the gatorade stock in Lafayette. He grounded me from work or anything and gave me strict instructions to drink, sleep and He said I needed to eat more. Probably the first and only time i will only hear that! and I told him I didn't want to! Probably the first and only time he will hear me say that as well!!

But I sucked it up and have been eating a little bit more and feeling better. I go back to work on Monday and I'm excited to be around people again. Hoping to go to church tomorrow for the Christmas service.

I do have some stories from the e.r. which I will post later. I just thought I had better put up something before someone put out an APB for me :)


~~~Alana~~~ said…
Poor Cherry Bear!
I was actually getting concerned after the FB posts about the ER and then nothing. Glad you are on the mend! Get better soon!
Charity said…
Yeah I knew I should post something but after I came home I was literally sleeping about 20 out of the 24 hours in a day. I've never been so exhausted!

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