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Adventures with Audie!

Tuesday night Audie and I had a girls nite after I finished teaching my Piano Lessons. I met her at her house to go over what I need to know to take care of Mr. Cubbie James this weekend. We headed out to Purdue's Dining halls to have dinner! That was a fun experience. I have never eaten at a dining hall other than PCC's so I was interested to see how it differed. For one thing the trays were much nicer and there was no swirly carpet that makes you dizzy just by looking at it.

Before we went I had cautioned Audie that I was going to take pictures and document our fun for the blog. She said that was ok but asked me to be discrete. So I humored her and left my purse and camera at her house. I really wished I had it with me, as the table that was right next to us had a young fellow wearing a BRIGHT RED COWBOY HAT, a kerchief across his throat, a plaid red shirt, wranglers, and boots. I looked at Audra and said all I'm going to say is look at the table next to us. And you asked ME to be discrete??????!!!! She got a good laugh out of that and I learned my lesson to always have my camera with me at all times!!

After the dining hall dinner we headed back to Audie's house and decided that since my friend Bergs lives in her subdivision that we would go Stalk her. At this point I would like to insert that this was totally Audra's idea. So we pulled in and went up the street she lived on looking for her house. I wasn't sure which house number she was but I remembered that to the right of the front door were windows to their playroom/piano room. So we set off looking for a house with right side windows, going 5 mph so we were sure to get a good look at each house.

Soon we came upon a house that had a right side window and I realized their garage was open and much to my excitement I saw Mikel, Bergs husband! At that point I decided I was going to wave the biggest, cheesiest, beauty queen on crack smile and wave as we sloooowwwwllyyyy cruised by. So I did. While I was performing my wave I shriek with excitement to see Bergs on the other side of their vehicle, and if at all possible my wave and grin got even bigger. 

The most amusing part of this whole tale is that neither of them had a clue it was me, apparently they have alot of crazed lunatics around their neighborhood? but they both very politely, and with a bit of trepidation on their faces, waved back. This was mightily hilarious to Audra and I. We got about two houses down when she finally gasped out, I don't think they recognized you. Want to turn around and do it again? Heck yes I said! So we pulled a U turn in the road and cruised on back for more beauty queen lunatic waving.

At this point Bergs had come out of the garage to look at us, probably getting our license number to report us to the police, and this time was close enough to recognize her crazy, and slightly creepy and insane friend. We had a nice little chat and giggle and I got to see Miss Clella Mae in person for the first time! She is SUCH a cute little bunny! I am cuddling with her Friday night so stay tuned for lots of Clella pics!

It was such a nice treat to see Bergs and her family! It just capped off the evening very nicely!  After we left them Audie asked me if we wanted to stalk my other friend, Karen, but we decided one was enough for the night. You have to save your skills.

The Moral of this story would be, don't let Audra and I know where you live. We may roll by your house.


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