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I love Jesus & Sephora!!

 I am not a morning person. There are very few things I will get up early for. Friday morning I got up while it was still dark outside. My alarm went off at 6:45 am and let me tell you I have not seen that time for a very very long while! However, something really exciting was happening that morning! Sephora came to Tippecanoe Mall! THATS RIGHT FOLKS SEPHORA!!!!!!!! I love me some Sephora! Yes, it is expensive, but the quality is amazing, and in reality I spend less on Sephora products than trying to find something that works with my wacky skin at the drug store.

I have been looking forward to this for weeks. I set my alarm early and ran out the door in a hurry! I got to the mall at 8:02 am. Sephora was opening at 10. I was not the first person there! I was about the 12'th person there and at first we were all smushed into this doorway which was really not comfortable at all. Thankfully the kind people at JcPenney let us inside the store so we could line up outside of Sephora. I have personal space issues so I was thrilled over this! Several people cut in front of me as we were going in, but I knew that the gift cards were random and going out to the first 100 people, so I decided to squash the Twanda in me and let them cut (Remember this fact)
 The line in front of me. Looks like alot of people but I was maybe the 20'th in line? I was surprised that after the initial rush in the first 30 mins of being there not alot of people came, it was a slow trickle. Which was actually great because...
 It allowed Jda to come and cut in line with me! We had been planning on going together all week, but her phone went cray cray in the middle of the night and did not go off. So she sped over to the Mall and thankfully there were maybe only 50 people in line when she got there, so she was able to come up and wait with me! Yay! I was so happy! We both look sleepy here. because we were. That is a coffee cup with water in it. I was afraid to have to pee! My hair also looks wet. Because it is.

They handed out little raffle tickets to insure that the first 100 people got the giftcards and people didn't try to lie. I hate liars. As we were standing there I swore I saw Portabello, an old family friend. Why a 50 something man would be there I was not sure. I texted Tyler to ask him if his Dad was there. Sure enough he was! So he came over and chatted with us but would not get Jda the free coffee on the other side of the building. Meanie. Then it was finally time for them to open!
 Just keeping it real! ha! We got our gift bags and opened them up to see the gift cards, I knew they were all random, but what I didn't know was that there was only ONE 100.00 giftcard. I asked the other girls how we knew what we got and they said to look in the corner for the amount. Lo and behold, MINE WAS THE 100 GIFTCARD!! I could not believe it! I was actually speechless! My mouth dropped open and I couldn't read for a second! A lady in front of me was trying to high five me and her hand just hung in space for a solid minute or two while I was just in shock! Shoot, I am still in shock!!!!!  One 100.00 giftcard and I won it!! So SO exciting!!!!  Everyone around me was all excited which was cool, except for the older lady that was right in front of me, she turned to me and rather snippily said "If that lady hadn't cut that would have been MINE" wow. well allrighty then. nothing like being rude?!
 I was just so excited. I felt like I was floating on air! It meant so much to me because Friday was Oct 25. The morning that 10 years ago I lost someone very very close to me. It was by far the worst day of my life. Every year I dread the day and relive that morning. I was excited to have something to go to that morning to get excited about, and have Jda with me during the hours that we turned off the life support and said goodbye. It's always better when I'm not alone. I tried to explain this to Jda, how much it meant to me and got all emotional so I had to stop. But it really was just so awesome and I know that it was from God! He knew what that day meant to me and the pain I feel from it, and did something so awesome, so loving JUST FOR ME. It may seem silly to people, but I serve an awesome God, one who is in the little details. And my God knows everything about me. When I drove away about an hour later I legit cried all the way back to my house. Happy, LOVED, tears.
 We finally got into the store and wow was it packed! But so very nice! I did the skin IQ and this was my profile, however I think it was darker than my actual skin tone as I am rather fair. Might have to have it done again.
I allready own the Naked 2, and have been wanting the Naked orginal. Thanks to my 100.00 giftcard and the other 10.00 giftcard that I allready had, I was able to get 130.00 worth of Sephora goodies for only 20 bucks out of pocket!! That is a miracle in and of iteself!

I would have had a good day without the 100 giftcard, but it was just such a loving thing for my Heavenly Father to do for me. Instead of focusing on the pain and loss of that day, I spent this day just feeling so blessed and SO Loved. It was the first Oct 25 in 10 years that I have not cried myself to sleep. Thankful.


lori said…
so glad that your day was better this year... and jealous of your sephora goodies, i love my naked 2! :)

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