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All of the sudden I got a Social Life

 After a rough few months being sick and then moving, I apparently decided to see everyone I know within the span of a week. Ha. Ok, maybe not everyone I know, but I did manage to cram a lot of fun stuff  into a short amount of time!

Last week was Fair Week. There is not much I love more than a good Lemon Shake up and Pulled Pork BBQ Sandwich. So of course I had to go! Audra was working the Ivy Booth at the Fair on Thursday, AND they were giving away free sunglasses! Score! I wore my sunglasses from last year tons, until I accidentally crushed them, sadness. I made my way over to the fair on Thursday after lunchtime and was pleasantly surprised at how NOT packed it was!
 Auds and I look like we're walking an Ivy Red Carpet. Cracks me up!!
 The next day I hosted my first Lunch at my new house! Muy Caliente and Jda came over and I must say, I made some pretty tasty food!! Which I took a picture of but didn't upload. #fail We had a great time eating and talking and laughing. I missed those girls!!
 Jda is pretty much the cutest pregnant lady ever! She does everything else in her life with style so why not pregnancy? Also, her kids are the cutest ever. I can't wait to see what her first baby BOY looks like! He will be stylish that is one thing I am sure of!
 And my Muy Caliente. How much do I love this girl? SO much!! We were just missing the other member of the Dream Team-Apes!
 First, I am impressed I successfully got all of us in this picture. Second, I laugh everytime I see this, we look like a color wheel. Muy is Tan, Jda is almost tan, and I am pasty. I was feeling pretty good about myself having a "tan" this summer. I have moved up from not the lightest shade of foundation but the NEXT lightest! Yes, I am Casper. Bless my Heart.
 Saturday Morning I got up bright and early, (and by that I mean before 8 am, which I don't even do on a weekday!) and headed out to my students's church for their yearly rummage sale. Yes, those are hula hoops on my shoulder. I had just read in one of my women's magazines about hula hoop exercises, which I thought sounded fun! or as fun as exercise can be... so when I saw them at the sale i just had to have them. I also got a big box of items, none of which i have pictures of.
 Sunday, whew, are you tired yet? I sure was. Sunday I made my way over to the Hospital to actually visit someone there (so much better than being treated there!!) more importantly to MEET someone! My student finally had her baby girl, Caroline, and I was sooo excited to meet her and snuggle!!  Fun fact, I was the first person, after the Mama, that found out Caroline was a girl!! I knew when the big ultrasound was, and had been waiting patiently to find out, we all know i'm not patient so I texted her to find out and she told me she was a girl! I found out at our next lesson I was the first person she told because no one else was answering their phones! I am always the last person to find out anything, so I just want to memorialize this fact.
Anyways, Caroline was the sweetest little burrito ever!! She just slept and slept in my arms! She only fussed when the Nurse took her away from me and undressed her to do tests, ect. She was screaming her head off when she handed her back to me, but with the patented Cherrybear Pat and Sway, she calmed right down! #ihaveagift

It was seriously hard for me to tear myself away from her deliciousness but I finally did. Can't wait till I can get my hands on her again!


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