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Life Lately

This post may only be interesting to me, but hey! It's my Blog! I can be boring if I want to!
(Started writing this post May 25, finished May 31st. Whoops)

So here's a little back story. Starting in September of 14' I was sick all fall and winter long. Constantly on antibiotics and completely miserable. After several different tests, it was finally discovered that I have crazy insane allergies. That with the constant inflammation was giving me a sinus and ear infection and non stop low grade fever. In late Feb/March I started doing Allergy testing. And started Allergy shots in Early March. Immediately I could tell a huge difference! I have not been on antibiotics since, and even though I am still having symptoms they are nowhere as severe as they were. And I can actually have a box of Tissues and not go through them in a week or less.

Unfortunately I have discovered that my allergy to grass is real and terrible. It's heightened with pollen season. So after mowing myself twice, with a mask, and being miserable for days afterwards, I had to admit defeat and hire a lawn mower. Thankfully one of my student's little sisters was trying to raise money for a missions trip and needed a little pt job! SO thankful for her! And for being able to breathe!

That brings us to now. Last week was not a great week. I went on Tuesday to my ENT's for a spot test with my allergy lady. (The same one that made me cry on my first visit) while there I gave them my new insurance card, with my same company, and they told me they could not see me! I had just used my last shot at home the day before, and was there to get additional medicine, which they couldn't give me either. I nearly sobbed at the front desk. not even going to lie. I held it together but the fear of regressing and becoming so sick again after having some time of feeling better was just about too much for me.

I raced home and looked on my insurance website to find a new allergist, and long story short found one that could get me in. It was a bonus that his staff was SO kind to me, and so willing to do whatever they could to get me an apt the soonest possible. They almost made me cry too, but in a good way!

I saw them today and go in next week for my first shot. I really liked my Dr and the staff of course, and am so thankful that I was able to find someone I liked and that knew his stuff so quickly!

So that is part one of my terrible week.

 Being a creeper and taking a pic of my awesome lawn girl!!
 My Mom and I went garage saleing a few weekends ago and had the best time! I scored these super cute pillows for my couch, and my Mom talked them down to taking less. We got tons of cool items and had such a fun time together!

 And now we come to part two of last week's terrible week.

I went to the Dentist.

I had to find a new Dentist thanks to the aforemention Insurance, so I found one that was not too far from my house which was nice. I went in for my exam and found out I have terrible teeth. ha. no seriously. My teeth are not good! I have already had a root canal when I was 21, and more fillings than I can count. Despite brushing and taking good care of them, genetically I just don't have good teeth. The news I got there was not good. One root canal and lots of fillings. I was in pain already and knew I would need a root canal so this was not a surprise.
 So the very next day, Friday morning, (what a not fun way to start off the holiday weekend) I went in to have several fillings done, and a temporary on my tooth that needs a root canal. Oh did I mention that my Insurance only pays for a few fillings a year and NO Root Canals? not good.

Well neither was the news after they started drilling. I needed not one, but two root canals.

Sweet Mercy.

Did I also mention that all but one of my cavities are on teeth that already had fillings? Not sure how that happens but I was less than thrilled.

Yes, I took a selfie of myself at the Dentist. This is me after my first round of Novocain shots. In randomness, it takes about enough medicine for an Elephant to make me numb. (Same thing to knock me out for a surgery. One of my dr's actually told me that once!) 

One of the reasons I hate going to the dentist is because of that. I don't think I have ever had work done where I have not felt them drilling. and I mean FELT them drilling. I usually howl in pain.

However, this time was a first! I was SO thankful that my Dentist listened to me, and 5 shots of Novocain later, I did not feel a thing!!  Very grateful for that!

Also very grateful that I ended up only having one lesson to teach that day. As a result of so much numbing I was numb all day long. Have you ever tried to drink while half of your face is numb? It's not pretty. The funny thing is, while I was at the Dentist I was starting to think I was congested because I felt like my nose was stuffy on one side and couldn't breathe. No, I was just so numb I couldn't feel that side of my nose! Funny and weird!

So that was my non fun week of medical crud. Don't worry, I have many more Dentist apts ahead of me, to write more of these scintillating blog posts!
 Onward to Memorial day weekend! My Mom woke me up and informed me we had an hour until we had to leave to go meet a craigslist person, so i hurried up and showered and got ready and we headed out. We wound up buying a new bed frame for my brother's room, and a new stove for the Kitchen. I was along for the ride and to make sure no one murdered my Mom. Which is always a possibility when you're craigslisting! Along the way we stopped at Menards and I opted to stay out in the truck and take selfies of my new hair cut.
 We may or may not have stopped at some other stores along the way.
 Love my Momma and the crazy adventures we have together!
 And a few days after Memorial day weekend I was back at the Dentist. I don't know why I look 12 in this picture, but considering sales people call me Ma'am, I will take it!

And thus concludes one of the most boring posts ever!


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