What I'm eating this week:
Well it's Tuesday when I'm writing this, Monday I didn't eat much during the day, with running to Urgent Care and then teaching, but I did have Pea Salad and Spaghetti for dinner. I haven't meal planned this week, which is not good!
What I'm reminiscing about:
It seems like a lot of birthdays and anniversaries are this week! Jboz just had her 5 year anni, so I was remembering the fun of their wedding and how small Madi AND Bethy were!!! Time goes by so quickly.
What I'm loving:
The simple things in life. Cozy outfits, the weather cooling down a little bit to where I'm not running the A/C and sweating all day. Curling up on the couch under a blanket, and strangely enough I have been drinking hot coffee. I'm not really a fan of hot drinks, but with cooler mornings lately it's been nice! Granted my coffee is more of hot chocolate and creamer with a bit of coffee mixed in, but details!
What I've been up to:
Well for the past two weeks I've been sick. Started off with a cold from a student, and Monday I found out I have a Sinus Infection (Which I knew) and Bronchitis, which was a bit of a surprise as I don't think I have had the latter since I was a kid! So teaching, and a few errands are about all I have been up to! Hoping that changes soon since I'm now on antibiotics.
What I'm dreading:
Nothing that I can think of at the moment.
What I'm working on:
Still working on the studio's Christmas Recital. Everyone has picked out their songs, and now I am working on the program, and who goes where, and oh yeah, designing the program as well! As I type this I realize I haven't nailed down this year's Christmas Ornament (My Mom and I make them ourselves, and they are always music themed) so I should probably get on that as well.
What I'm excited about:
Halloween!! This year it's on a day I teach and I can't wait to see my students outfits! And I am dressing up as well, and just ordered the last thing I needed for my costume on amazon last night. Here's hoping it fits! I am going to be a character from Peanuts!!
What I'm Watching/Reading:
I am currently working on a book I was sent to review, Wild Montana Skies by one of my favorite authors, Susan May Warren. So far it's REALLY good. Stay tuned for my full review!
As for watching, can I get an Amen for Fall Tv being back? So far the new show I'm loving is Conviction on ABC. And we can't forget about Lethal Weapon on Fox. I LOVE That show! Cop buddy shows are my jam!!
What I'm listening to:
Right now, Silence. Glorious silence.
What I'm wearing:
Also right now, pjs. :) Monday I wore jeans and a cardigan and matching shirt, I have a feeling the rest of the week is going to be all about being cozy. Leggings with dresses, Jeggings and cardis. And some slipper booties thrown in for good measure!
What I'm doing this weekend:
Hopefully nothing other than going to church! Having been sick and exhausted, a chill weekend is all I want!
What I'm looking forward to next month:
Thanksgiving!! And the day after Thanksgiving all day Gilmore Girls Marathon!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm excited for a mini break from teaching, and then just a few days later we will hold the Studio's Christmas Recital! I'm excited/nervous for that as well!
What else is new:
For the first time ever, I actually finished my What's up Weds THE DAY BEFORE Weds!! GO ME!!!!! Miracles happen people!!