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 Oh what a week it was! Here goes the Recap!

Monday I counted down 14 days until my Birthday! In honor of Valentine's Day I wore a cute heart scarf!
 A sibling set of students brought me the cutest chocolate chip cookies!! They had HEART SPRINKLES in them!! SO cute and SO yummy!!!!!!!
 Tuesday I celebrated Valentine's Day by going Grocery shopping and taking a nice long hot shower and pampering myself. And of course, Netflix. I also worked on redecorating my sofa table and made a light up cherry blossom tree to go beside it.

 Wednesday I attempted to go Valentine's day 50% shopping, but kind of struck out. At least my hair looked good!

 I did find these cute felt, glitter hearts at DG.
 So Cute!!
 And while Dollar Tree had NOTHING Valentine's Day, I am ready for St Patricks day! How cute are those scarves??!!!
 I might have also got myself a pair of huge sunglasses there as well. Dollar Tree is a great place for cheap sunglasses! I always end up breaking mine somehow, so cheap is best!

 Thursday we were down to 11 days on the Birthday countdown..
 And I was on Day 2 of fancy hair. It really is SOOOOO much quicker to get ready in the morning when you don't have to wash, air dry, and then blowdry your hair!!
 In honor of #TBT I posted these gems in IG.

 And my Birthday Sephora Gift Arrived!!! YAY!!
 Thursday I was wearing my slipper booties.....
 And getting in a work out Teaching on Skype with my stand up "table"
 I found these old pictures of my brother and I as children, when I was randomly going through a memory book.
 I mean, we were cute kids!!
 Friday dawned bright,early, and warm! And despite having my morning cup of coffee I was STRUGGLING. I took myself to Igloo for the largest Vanilla Marshmallow Coke they had. And apparently I wasn't the only one who thought that was a good idea.
 I drank all of this.. And I was STILL tired!!
 Last day of double digits!!
 It majorly warmed up on Friday and I had bare feet....

 And the windows open to teach!! I LOVE it when I can teach with the windows open!!
 This is my, I love teaching with the windows open, but how many times will I have to tell my students to focus and quit looking out the window- face. Spoiler alert, it was a LOT.
 Saturday. Oh Saturday. It was lovely. Until a certain point. I was outside sunning my legs and arms and reading in the near record breaking heat for two glorious hours. then I came inside and took a shower. I started a load of laundry, and baked some chicken nuggets. and in the time it took me to eat said nuggets and watch some netflix, my house FLOODED. ..... AGAIN!! I seriously, looked over to the kitchen and saw standing water and I nearly wept. I was sitting on the opposite side of my couch, right next to the window, or I would have probably noticed it sooner.

Anyways, it was a nightmare. It took me over an hour to clear up the standing water with my carpet cleaner. I quit counting how many times I dumped it after 40... I can't tell you how bad my back and shoulders hurt now!! It's Now Monday afternoon and I am still waiting for the sewer line to have the tree roots dug out.....

After being up a few times over night checking to see if I had any new floods, Church did not happen on Sunday. I needed some things at the store, which I had planned to do after church. So I threw on some non pj's, and put my hair in pig tails and threw a hat over that and hoped I didn't run into anyone I knew. Thankfully, I did not!!

Not a great end to the week. Praying this one is better!!


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