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Meeting Evelyn Ruth!!!

Brace yourself for a picture overload! I'm finally sitting down to write all about my trip to KY and meeting sweet baby Evie!!

One Friday in August our schedules aligned and I was able to take a day trip to KY to visit my bestie, Addie Jane, and meet sweet baby Evelyn Ruth!! I had been waiting for this day for SO LONG, and I was terrified I would get sick and not be able to go, but I felt great that day so I headed out bright and early!
And around 3 hours later, Welcome to Kentucky! It was a surprisingly easy and kind of boring drive down and back! Not a bad problem to have! I had planned to stop for lunch and gas, but was fine on gas, so I just kept driving! I was starting to yawn when I got to their town, so I looked up the nearest Dunkin Donuts and there was one right down the road from their house so I made a pit stop for some much needed caffeine!
I had brought Addies belated birthday presents and other things I had picked up for her, as well as some cute little things for Evie. Addie was really excited to open her gifts! I packed a ton of stuff into a Mary Lou's Donut box because it was the only thing that would fit it all. And the expression of wonderment on her face when she took the lid off was just the sweetest thing!!
Meanwhile, in my arms this one was snoozing away. She was awake when I got there and I picked her up and was sitting down to have lunch with them and Evie got fussy. So I had to stand up and use all my skills to try and get her to calm down. Turns out she gets mad when she is tired. I got her to sleep and managed to eat part of my lunch with one hand while standing up. I was rather proud of myself. I should note that I had Audra cut my sandwich up into 4'ths like she had a third child, because my skills only go so far. HA!!
Addie wanted to try on several of her new clothes so we had a mini fashion show. She is sporting her new skirt and headband here.
Little sister is still snoozin away.

These girls.... Addie used to love to snuggle and sleep on my chest when she was a baby. I would put her there and then she would worm her way to where her head was practically in my armpit. Evie is not so much a fan of that, as she is laying in the crook of your arm and wiggling her head to where it looks like it's not supported. It was, I promise! Every Time I'd try to move her head back, she would wiggle it back out of my elbow!
Outfit change!!!! I LOVE this sweet little dress on Addie!!

I found these brand new boots at a yard sale this summer and I DIED over the cuteness. While Evie was sleeping we put the boots on her.
Here's her thought about that.
BWAHAHAHA!!! SO far this appears to be Evie's signature facial expression. It's hilarious and I kind of love it!

A little photo shoot on the couch.
I love how she is checkin me out!

I think I might have to blow this picture up on a canvas. My Sweet Girls!!!!!!

And possibly this one as well. I love that it caught Addie cracking up, and even Cubbie's curly hair is in it!

Sidenote, it was after this trip that i ordered myself a selfie stick.  Now it will be MUCH easier to fit all 5 of us in a picture!
Outfit change for Evie Ru!!
I brought her this little outfit, that also had an adorable hoodie but it was rather warm outside. Also I think the hoodie was a bit too big for her, seeing as the pants were pulled up to her armpits. HA!
Why are you taking pictures of me when I'm trying to go back to sleep lady??!

Get used to it kid. 


Armpit pants :)
She's Smiling!!!!!!!
I could have held her all day.

Oh wait... I pretty much did!

Addie and I did color together while Evie was having her afternoon meal.  And that was pretty entertaining let me tell you!  I should add that I somehow ended up coloring at the table by myself. I still don't know where Addie went, but I sat there coloring away! hahah It was very soothing!

And because some things never change we waited until right when it was time to leave to take a picture with just the two of us. By then I had ditched my contacts for glasses, and I left with a belly full of this DELICIOUS Chicken Taco soup/concoction that Audra had made. It was so good that I texted her for the recipe and made it literally 3 days later. And now that I'm thinking about it I might just have to make it again this week!!
Back thru the tunnel on my way back home!

The way back home was thankfully pretty uneventful. I have an issue with some fluid in my truck leaking and when I was getting ready to leave I realized it was empty. And It should not have been. So that worried me. I ended up stopping after an hour or so to make sure my fluid was ok, before it got dark outside. I am that person that thinks they will get murdered out after dark. And stopping around Indy on a friday night was not my idea of a good time. Thankfully the fluid wasn't very low when i checked and i topped it off and went back on my way! I think I made even better time on my way back home!

(I don't know why this tunnel fascinated me so much, but it did) (When I went thru it and came to the point where I could see the other side I exclaimed, I CAN SEE THE LIGHT! GOooooo INTO THE LIGHT!! *I* think I'm hilarious)

Funny side note about my trip. I went right as they had found the body of the missing Iowa college student. With that and just the horrors that can happen my Mom was nervous about me driving all the way there by myself. So I downloaded a tracking app and gave her the link to download and my code, so she could follow me and see where I was at any given moment. I also would text her when I would stop, and then when i got back in the truck and on the road. I'm all about safety and I also watched too many Oprah episodes as a teen. ANYWAYS. So I get back to my town and get off the interstate and I think, man, I'm kind of hungry and I don't have any bread at home, I should stop at Jimmy Johns! So I roll into JJ's and order. there's only one person working there that late and she was helping someone, so it was not freaky fast service. I check my phone and my Mom has texted me saying " Are you at Jimmy Johns??!!" HAHHAHAAHAHA  YES MOM I AM! If you're looking for an app that is VERY ACCURATE on where you are, Life360 is a good option. :)

All that to say, it was a perfect day with my people, and I'm looking forward to our next adventure! So thankful they are back within a day driving distance!!!!!


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