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So good to be HOME....

Well it has been a GREAT week in the life of Cherrybear! Nothing exciting or stressful happened and that made it WONDERFUL! I am slowly getting my sea legs at my new job and so far I really enjoy it. There is more downtime than I am used to, but its kind of nice to not be so rushed all the time.

This week was my off week on the front desk, so I got to sit in the back cubicle, which was very nice and quiet. Almost too quiet! I am used to listening to music and singing while I work so that was alittle bit different. Unfortunately for Carol I have gotten really mad about muttering to myself as I work. I can't help it. I talk to myself all the time. No one answers me so far so I think its ok. :) Seriously though, I thank God each night when I fall into bed happy and looking forward to the next day. For so long I have went home after work and been upset and stressed out. I would go to bed dreading getting up in the morning because it would mean i'd have to go THERE again and put up with everything. And now all of that is comepletely gone. And have I mentioned it has now been 2 whole weeks of not hearing people cuss?! It is so nice to have a clean mind again. You can't help but have that trash in your mind, when you hear those words in every.single.conversation. So I am really enjoying that.

I'm also getting used to all of the walking that I do on a daily basis. I walk pretty fast anyway and am cutting down my time to and from the parking garage. it was 10 mins and now its about 7. woot! go me!! In the mornings though when I get close to my building the front of my ankles hurt I don't know why. Its almost like a shin splint. I don't know if its from just getting up and going to work and then practically running towards my building or what but its rather unpleasant. Hopefully with the more walking I do the less it will bother me.

Another benefit of walking and taking my own food to work and not drinking 56890 oz of pop everyday.. my pants are getting looser! YAY!! We can wear jeans on fridays, so today I put on the jeans that I had worn last week and they needed a belt. I was rather impressed. Hopefully this will be the start of a healthier and skinnier me!! I am drinking tons of water at work as well. And on my off weeks I also do the mail room which requires lifting packages and moving around so i'm getting a workout there too. YAY!!

LIfe has just been nice and quiet this past week and thats how I like it!!

Tonight I am home at my parents farm for the weekend. I came very close to getting a speeding ticket on the way here. I was running 75 in a 55.. 231 north, can you blame me? singing along to my cd when in the distance my eyes (thank you new contacts!!!) saw something suspicious.. BRAKES!!!! I learned that not only do I have good eyesight but the brakes on my explorer are working quite well. (probably the only thing thats working well at this point but thats another story!) Whew. I dodged that bullet. I slowed down alittle bit the rest of the way. to *cough* 65....

Anyways, I am glad to be home and spend some time with my parents. Mom did my hair tonight and added some layers and trimmed it. (just a tiny bit kim don't freak out!!) i am trying to grow it out seeing as I have a huge head (my mom informed me of that tonight!!) more hair makes it look smaller and apparently i need all the help i can get to re size my large noggin. the love. seriously.. :)

Have a Happy Labor Day!!



sabby said…
im glad things are going good for you!!

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