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The best of the BEST!!!

Or the blogs that make me laugh the most:)

Here are my top three favorite blogs written over the past two years when I worked at the Temple of Doom.


The Smell of Death... and Vicks Vapor Rub...
Current mood: silly
Category: Life
It has been a very rough week at work. Monday I came in and there was an intense smell of death surrounding my desk.Yes, a mouse has died at Kelly Group. And it has died somewhere in my area.
Its not pretty people....
After moving all of my stuff, and looking into all of my drawers I still couldn't find the source of the smell. (truth be told I was quite afraid to find the little bugger. i am deathly afraid of mice, whether they be dead or alive.)
My WONDERFUL boss Dave, even got on the floor under my desk and moved everything looking for the mouse. Unfortunately he didn't find it. Although I was really hoping he would. a. since the smell would dissapate and b. he generally takes care of all the icky and scary stuff for all of us at work.
We thought by Tuesday that the smell would start going away.
It hasn't.
Its only gotten worse.
I am beginning to wonder if Mr Mouse was married and his wife came upon him in his death throes and decided to renact a romeo and juliet scene and commit harey carey so she could be with him in death. If so, I just hope he wasn't a polygamist mouse, or we are really in for it.
Poor Angie has had to sit at my desk every morning when I go on errands and for an hour every afternoon after i go home before we close. She couldn't take the smell so she decided to get some vicks vapor rub and spread it under her nose so it would block out the smell.
I think it would have worked better if she had looked in a mirror when she did it. Vicks looks suspiciously like snot when you have a big glob of it hanging under your nose. Thankfully she got a mirror. ha. love ya angie!!!
So now its Friday and I spent my afternoon at work alternating spraying body spray and febreze to try and cover up the mouse smell.
I'm praying its gone by Monday or I may have to join the Mice Couple in Heaven...
That however was not the highlight of the week at work. Although Angies Vicks snot came in a close second, the best moment of the work week and realy the entire week was my co workers jeans.
Bless his heart. His wife went shopping last week and bought him a "cool" outfit to wear to work. Well he wore it today. When i buzzed him in the door I noticed his .... slightly ghetto... hoodie and shirt... so i kind of smirked and said he was a pimp.
I should have waited though, untill he got past the side of my desk and went to walk into the kitchen.
The man had BLING on his booty!!!
He shall remain nameless to protect his privacy, but if you ask anyone at Kelly they will start laughing hysterically.
Sparkles, or J-Fed as he shall forever be known, had blinged out back pockets and front pockets.
I don't think I have laughed that hard, or that much in a seiriously long time.
Bless his heart...
Everytime I saw him, even just his face, I couldn't help myself. I would start laughing untill there were tears in my eyes.
You gotta give it to him though! Not many guys would a. wear an outfit they didn't like just because their wife wanted them to and b. not alot of construction guys would wear anything of that sort!
Its hard to express on here the hilarity that was ol sparkles today, but i will never forgot those pants.
I told him today was the first and only time i have ever been at work and could not stop staring at someone's butt!!
I tried to take a picture of his bum bum t show to all of my faithful readers. and ok. to keep for my personal entertainment!! but sparkles runs rather fast!
Suffice it to say whatever you are picturing in your mind, is not NEARLY as hilarious as it was in person.
The Smell of Death and Blinged out Bums... I really do love my job!!

his is what happens when you email into work that you’re sick..
Current mood: amused
And the two people you email at work do not receive their emails.

You get 8 calls and 5 texts on your phone that is shut off because you have a migraine

One of your co workers comes to your apt building to see if you are ok. (because you are extremely reliable and are NEVER late and ALWAYS call in when you are sick) unfortunately, your building has a security code, and your co worker cannot get in. Said co worker then tries to call your apt but it goes to the person's phone who used to live there. So now, not only are you assumed dead, but the killer is IN your apt at that very moment. (answering the phones apparently!)

You Mom gets called as a last ditch effort to find out what is wrong before the cops are sent over to find your dead body. Mom then freaks out and assumes her daughter is dead. LUCKILY after Mom gets off the phone with your Boss, she checks her email as she is getting dressed ready to go drive an hour and see your dead body and VOILA, she see's the email you sent at 5:45 am that morning stating you had a migraine and were home sick from work. Mom calls boss back and the police are stopped from breaking the door down to your apt.

Moral of this story is: NEVER email that you're sick, ALWAYS call and text your co workers just to be safe!
Friday, August 31, 2007 9:36 PM

When a belt buckle, isn’t just a belt buckle..
Current mood: chipper
So I need a new belt. Normally this would not be earth shattering news, especially not enough to blog about, but this belt buckle comes with a story!
Rewind, to Thursday August 30, 2007. Its 11:30 in the morning at Kelly Group and so far it has been a quiet day. Much of the office is out at jobsites, or in a meeting. Very few people are around. Your innocent, lovely receptionist was minding her own business, when behold, a visitor comes in the door.

To make a long story short, Miss Receptionist Charity could not find anyone to help the poor visitor who merely wanted to thank someone for the kind and helpful things that Kelly Group had done for his school two years ago. Luckily, right when things were looking dim, good ol AJ appears out of no where. The Visitor recognizes AJ from two years ago and starts screaming his name (through the protective glass) and manages to get his attention. I buzzed the visitor in, thinking that he was harmless and frankly just happy that I had found a willing soul to help this poor man out.
Unforunately, for him AJ was to be the recepiant of a huge thank you speech. This speech included, but was not limited to: 3 minutes of thanking him and telling him how great our company was, a presentation of a belt buckle, and An Indian Blessing upon AJ, which included a prayer like none other I have heard before, and it ended with a heart felt huge BEAR HUG for Chief AJ. By this point, your innocent receptionist was not sure what to think, except that her life was to soon come to an end if AJ had anything to do with it. Such a thought was further enforced when the visitor ran outside to grab something, and Chief AJ turned to innocent receptionist and said "i think I might just kill you"

By this time there was getting to be quite the crowd in the kelly lobby and the INNOCENT receptionist was starting to get rather tickled as people were inquiring what was going on, why AJ's name was suddenly Chief, and why the HECK was he hugging him? The poor innocent receptionist had to go hide in Amey's office as she tried to explain to the small crowd of people that had followed her exactly what had transpired. Not an easy feat when she wasn't sure herself, but was laughing so hard that tears were flowing out of her eyes and she was bent over at the waist hanging on to the wall.

Luckily for your favorite inncocent receptionist, Chief AJ and the visitor, who shall remain nameless to protect himself, had went outside by the time she had recovered herself. But never fear, he brought in anothr belt buckle, for the ever so helpful and sweet girl at the front. :)
If you ever stop by The Kelly Group be sure to say hello to Chief AJ, and yell geronimo!!! Because thats what we're all doing :)


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