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This is the time of my life....

I have been bad about updating the past few weeks, it seems like I have been so busy!!

Work is going GREAT! I am slowly getting used to all of the new terms and procedures. I had a training class this week on the new program Purdue is using and I have another training session next week. Its been exciting to finally get into the program and start messing around figuring out how to do stuff. And its been really nice not having to ask my co workers to look up student information for me!!

I'm getting along really well with all of my co workers too. they are retty nice people. Very low maitenance and no one seems to like drama. I've gotten alot of good comments from different people saying they appreciate my attitude and happy spirit making the office nice to be in, and how well me and sara, the person i trade off the front desk with, work together. I am very lucky to be working with Sara, she is older and just very sweet. She's just a genuinely kind person, who is very willing to help me out with anything even when I don't ask. That seems to be the attitude of most of the office. Everyone is really willing to pitch in anytime they are needed, even if you don't ask. And thats really nice. I think we all work quite well together.

SO work is going well, and because of that I am doing well-physically!! I have not gotten sick on a weekend for the past three weeks which is a miracle. I am hoping it continues this weekend and I can go to church. I knew the stress at my old job was having an effect on me, but I had no clue how just how much. I feel so much better in all areas now that I work at Purdue.

My chiropracter even noticed it! I went in for my monthly apt last night and he said that my spine was more relaxed and my back and neck were in the best shape he had seen them, since before i started working at my old job, two years ago!!!! and to top that off I haven't had a migraine since I switched jobs! I was getting at least one a month and that was with taking my migraine preventative medicine. So life is really great!!

I have even started working out and gasp wearing eyeliner!! I find now that I have to dress nice for work I actually care what I look like and am wearing makeup. Its a nice feeling!!

And as for the exercise, last weekend my Parents surprised me with a NICE stationary bike they got for a steal on craigslist. Its one with the arms that you move and work out your upper body at the same time! I LOVE it!! I hop on at night and watch my entertainment show or dr phil and just pedal away. I did 3.5 miles the other day!! Combined with all the walking I do at work, and the only drinking one pop a day and not eating fast food. I think , I HOPE i start to drop weight soon. I would like to lose 20 pounds by christmas so i don't look like such a porker in our christmas photos!!

I had a fun few days with my brother Kevin, and my sister in law Liz. They were at Purdue for a recruiting trip with my bros company (go john deere!!!!) so last night while kev was speaking in classes, I got to kidnap Liz and hang out with her for several hours!! I introduced her to Moe's (sooo yummy!) and we hung out on my couch, watched tv, and chatted. It was just so nice. We didn't talk about anything earth shattering, but it was great because it was just so.. normal... Since they live in Iowa, we don't get to see eachother that often, and when they are home it seems everyone is always so busy, working on the farm, ect... That we don't get to just hang out and relax and enjoy eachothers company. So it was really nice to just watch tv and chat! I educated her about the Caylee Anthony story, introduced her to Nancy Grace, and then caught her up on what happened on Greys Anatomy! A perfect evening!! :)

Today they had a job fair that Kev was working at, so I went early and walked around with Liz and got tons of goodies before we all had unch together.

For those of you who don't know, working at Purdue is AWESOME, because they have these things called Roundtables. What they are, are basically job fairs. Companies come and set up booths, and try to recruit people. They interview students on the spot right then and there. And the best part is, they give away TONS and I mean TONS of free stuff!!!

Tuesday was the Industrial Roundtable. Over 300 companies were set up right outside my building in what is called the memorial mall, an outside grassy area. That was my first exposure to it, and I felt weird taking stuff so I only got a bag full of goodies. Which included but was not limited to, 4 water bottles, a cool coffee carrier, a pink panther, tons of pens, dove body wash, a zone bar (grosssss!) nilla cakesters, oreos, a clip thing for your keys, an american flag/navy flag pin, and several other things that I can't remember. I made out like a bandit and my co workers that didn't go wanted my stuff!! I told them I was going to another one today, so they gave me a list of stuff to get! actually they didn't but they hinted around alot!

So today I got, another pink panther for jan, Liz found tiny bean bags so i got two of those for our pink panthers to sit on, got two more water bottles for me, one for jan an done for sara, who both didn't have any, two light up pens(WAY COOL!!) a lightbulb stress thingy for Sara's son who loves lightbulbs, a cool bag to carry it all in!! :) a t shirt, a little clip on light, a cell phone holder, and some other things.

Needless to say I stinking love roundtables. The one today was nice because there weren't very many students there. (not compared to tuesdays which had lines of students waiting to interview at booths) so people just handed out stuff to us. Much nicer!!!!

After Liz and I had gotten our loot, we met back up with Kev, and he grabbed some box lunches for us, and we took them downstairs to the food court so we could eat and chat. Well we ate good. But the chatting didn't work so well. We sat fairly close to the wall, in teh starbucks area of the union, and we hadn't gotten more then 4 bites of food down, when some worker guy came up to warn us that he was going to be DRILLING INTO THE FLOOR and that we wouldn't be able to hear for about 15 mins. Then he and his co worker proceeded to put PROTECTIVE guards around their ears. That worried me a tad. As soon as they started drilling, I was wishing for some as well. And something for my tush, because my bottom was vibrating from the rock hard floor being drilled into. So needless to say, we didn't chat much during lunch and that was kind of a bummer, since I hadn't seen my brother much. But it was still nice. And actually pretty funny. And of course, I took a picture of the guy drilling! he he he....

I also got pics with Liz and our identical hairstyles! I love her hair!! I wish mine would have as large perfect curls like she has, but alas, i have wimpy curls.. :(

After work tonight I allll the way to the east side of lafayette (work in west lafayette, live on south side) to go to fashion bug. I had seen some clearanced pants online and wanted to check them out. I ended up with three pairs of dress pants, two ncie tops and two pairs of dressy flip flops for like 60 bucks. I was rather pleased. I havent' tried to pants on yet, but I'm hoping they fit and look good.

Since someone stole my package with my ny&co pants I ordered, I still only have two pairs of dress pants for work. And thats a slight problem. Thankfully I can wear jeans on Fridays, so that helps alittle bit. I was very grateful to find some pants on clearance though!

And with that I am going to sign off form what is probably the longest, randomist, most rambling blog post ever.

have a festive weekend!!

and happy 9 month birthday to my ayva baby!!



Kimberly said…
Sounds like you and Liz had fun!
So what did you pick up for me at the roundtable? haha

I'm so glad your new job is less stressful for you, and you have been feeling so much better!
~~~Alana~~~ said…
Hey Chica,
Roundtables do sound fun.. :)
Glad things are going better for you!
sabby said…
I dont' mind the long updates, i enjoy them actually! sounds like this new job is what you needed for your health. It's very good news, i was worried for you since you were sick alot. Our state of mind has alot to do with our health that's for sure and im glad you'rs is getting better!

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