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You're a waterfall, washing over me..

Can I just say how much I love my DVR? Not to mention the Free Spot On Demand. Right now I am watching a free Rascal Flatts concert. It really makes me want to see them in person. They are my favorite band!!

I've had a great weekend so far!! Today I went with my co worker Amy and her three kids to the Humane Society to adopt a cat for them. I know those of you who know me quite well are shocked right now, as cats scare me and i don't like them at all..

Thankfully I didn't have to hold any of them! I got to hold her youngest, Branson, who is 13 mos. He is the cutest little thing, and when I say little I mean short, as he is a little chunk! Seriously my arms started to hurt after an hour or so! It was worth it though, he was the sweetest little baby.. Very calm and happy to have me holding him. I finally got him to smile when i tickled him. So precious. It was cute, i would make a face and move my fingers near his neck but not touch him, and he would bury his head in my shoulder giggling. SO CUTE!!!

I had so much fun playing with him and cuddling. He actually ended up falling asleep on my shoulder. Amy was shocked, apparently he doesn't ever do that to people he doesn't know. She said it said alot about my maternal instincts. She is so sweet.

So I had a fun time with her and all three of her kids. I came home and proceeded to watch some of my DVR stuff. I can't say how much I love that thing!! And I love it even more since I got it for FREEEEEEEEE!! They waived the monthly fees for me, and all I was suppsoed to pay was 20 bucks when they installed it. The cable guy didn't charge me even though I asked him about it. I just paid my bill and they didn't charge me for the install either! How awesome is that???!

SO my Mom's birthday is coming up in a week, and I have no clue what to get her... She has everything and doesn't want me to spend very much money on her... I want to get her something meaningful and nice, so if you have any ideas leave a comment!!

No new news about the hot it guy. I was on the back desk at work this week and did not see him ONCE! Sadness, I know. I heard him come in our office Friday, but being the NON STALKER person that I am, I stayed back at my desk. It was hard though!! My co worker Janet who is trying to be a matchmaker called his co worker the other day to find out if he was single. Apparently he is very single, not seeing any one and VERY AVAILABLE! Good news to me. I had a brief period of wanting to run to his office and profess my undying love. Thankfully several friends talked me out of that. So we'll see what happens.

In more exciting news, Caca and I are doing good on our diet/exercise program. I am biking and doing cardio for 40 mins, 5 times a week. I have lost 7 pounds so far in two weeks. I went to the grocery store the other night and actually read the calorie labels. I was shocked to see how many calories some products have! Good Gravy its no wonder I'm overweight!!

I am feeling pretty good. I have alot more energy, I am practically running to work in the morning (especially when its 43!!) and not breaking a sweat or being out of breath. and that my friend is pretty stinking awesome!!!! I wore a pair of jeans on casual friday that used to be tight on me. Yeah not so much friday. I need to invest in a belt. I won't even comment on the skirt I wore Tuesday. All I will say is that those people by the bus stop had no clue how frighteningly close they came to being mooned by me. No fears, that skirt has been taken out of rotation.

Tomorrow is church and a nap, and who knows what else! I don't think I have any big plans next week, but who knows! I am quite frankly impressed that I haven't slept in forever two saturdays in a row and have actually went out in public, with people, wearing makeup!

Scary, isn't it??!!



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