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An Afternoon that needs preserved...

I have laughed more this afternoon than I have in a very long time.. Something happened at work that we all found hilarious, and to preserve the memory I am going to try and write it down here.. Hopefully the humor will be clear to all:)

Our office was rather slow and quiet without all of the students back from break and a few people out sick..

I was working in the back by the copier when I heard the door open in the front, so I went up to help the person who had come in. He needed to check out a key to one of our conference rooms. He was signing the key out in our book so I went back to where I was working.

All of the sudden he starts talking to me over the cubicle, and it was rather weird. Finally he leaves, and the door clicks shut and I finish what i was doing and go back to the front. I pass Carol's cubicle and she says "My, he was rather chipper!!" I said lets be honest here, he was weird ok, not chipper!!

Now here is where I might lose all of my two readers... I am going to put a disclaimer here that I do not endore p/o/r/n or watch it or ANYTHING!!

So I said to Carol, "You know, he really looks like RJ. (not typing out the whole name here!!)

And she said WHAT!! How do you know who that is and what he looks like!!

I said well i've seen him on tv!!

"what kind of channels do you get?!" exclaimed Carol

I tried to explain that I had seen him on VH1's The Surreal Life, but she didn't believe me.

Feeling like I was in a sinking ship I asked Teresa if she knew who he was. Well of course she didn't.

So I said FINE, I'm asking Mary maybe she can save me.

So I walk down the hall to Mary's office and ask her and she has no clue but is very shocked that I know who he is... i said WHATEVER YOU DO.. DON'T GOOGLE HIM!!!!!!

So she decided to call her 20something daughter and ask her if she knows who RJ is.

(By this time Carol and I are standing in the hall outside Mary's office giggling like little school girls.)

So Mary calls her daughter and says she has an important question for her.. And she says do you know who RJ is? Her daughter says no and asks her what he does... this is when Mary starts to stutter and says he's a well. uh.. entertainer... I pop in helpfully and say, He's a p/o/r/n star Mary lets be honest!!

She covers her cell phone and says shhh shhh don't tell her that!!

her daughter on the line can hear something is going on and asks what i say. Mary says well he's a p/o/r/n star..

*A scream emits from the cell phone..*

Carol and I are by this time bent over at the waist laughing...

Only to look up and see Mr RJ standing right there in the hallway..

I can only imagine what the look on my face was at that moment.

Poor soul couldn't log into the computer in the conference room so I had to pull myself together and call IT and try to get help. Carol just left me hanging by the wayside. It was so hard not to laugh during this..

He finally leaves and I sit in my chair waiting for the door to click and make sure he doesn't come back in.

When it does, I walk over to Carol's desk and she is sitting in her chair silently laughing so hard she is crying.

I said, well.. DIDN"T HE!!!!!???!!!

And she said HE DID!!

I told you so!!

Apparently while I was helping him and on the phone, Mary decided she needed to get a look at him and was going to come up and pretend to sharpen her pencil. Carol told her she could pretend all she wanted to but there was no pencil sharpener up front and she was going to look like a lunatic.

I seriously have not laughed that hard and that much in a very long time. It was only made more humerous because I am still sick and my voice goes in and out in squeaks like a 12 yr old boy. It was much funnier with my sound effects.

After that we went and polled everyone in the office and no one knew who RJ was... I find it sad that the Naive little Baptist girl knows who he is but no one else does..

Just another fun friday at Purdue!!


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