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Never a dull moment..

Well I did survive my surgery this past Weds, although the day was full of drama.

I got up to several inches of snow on the ground and more falling.. It took my Mom almost an hour and a half to get to my apt from her house, which is much longer than usual. Finally we got on the road and had planned an hour to make it to Lebanon.. Even though it is more like 40 mins to get there.

We got 4 miles away from the exit we needed to get off on, and were backed up in stopped traffic. At that point it was 12 minutes before I was scheduled to be at the hospital. So I had to call outpatient surgery and let them know we were stopped in traffic. The Nurse that I talked to told me there had just been a huge accident with two semis and thats why we were stopped.

At that point Mom and I were pretty worried. My Specialist is at the Hospital there untill Noon and then in the office that afternoon. So if I didn't get in that morning I wasn't having the surgery.

We could see an exit sign on the other side of the road, so we called Grams to try and find out what it was and how we could get to Lebanon from there. We ended up driving through the median, which at that point was more like a ravine, it was very deep and larger than normal ones. Thank goodness for 4 wheel drive in the truck!! Thankfully we made it through in the snow and didn't get stopped by a policeman. I was ready to pull the heading to surgery card!!

We did make it to the hospital about 15 mins late. They were able to switch me with an inpatient so I went in at 11.. I had the rudest, stupidist nurses ever. Which for me is saying alot. I usually like my nurses, but the guy was an idiot who just keep blabbering on and not doing pre-op...

As you know I do not do well with needles or blood. I told him that before he put my IV in. Which btw hurt!!! The other nurse insisted he take a vial of blood to see if I was pregnant. (she didn't believe me and I was MAD) so he took about a half gallon of blood and then proceded to hold it right in front of my nose for her to take. She was off in some other world and not paying attention. So the blood is right in front of my face. I go. ooohh.. blooodd.... uuggghh.... And the dimwit is like oh does this bother you? And shakes the vial of blood! At that point I almost passed out. Moving blood bothers me even more. I think if I hadn't been laying down in the bed I would have hit the floor.

Back to the pregnancy test. The female nurse didn't believe me so not only did they draw half a galloon of blood, but after putting my IV in and hooking me up to various machines, they made me go pee in a cup! I had to put my saline bag on top of the towel dispenser, and they gave me a cup that wasn't even a test cup, it was like a cup cup!! Let me just tell you that was difficult!!! And then I come out of the bathroom cup o pee in one hand and saline in the other hand held above my head and there is no one to be found!! I didn't have my glasses on so I was blind as a bat.. Finally I started heading for the direction I thought my room was and finally found the female nurse..

Thankfully the actual surgery part went quite well... I have pictures of my stomach insides before and after that will help show exactly why I was so miserable.. And other than having a horrific headache Weds, I recovered quite well. Slept all day Thursday and took a nap friday and I'm back in town now. Thankfully we have Monday off from work so I'll be easing back into life! :)

Thanks to all who have prayed for me. I am definately ready to feel good again!! I was laying in bed Thursday night and started crying because I realized that for the first time in several months, I was not in any pain at all. I didn't realize how miserable I was untill I got fixed and now I feel so great!!


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