I mean its just really too much cuteness. More than I can handle at least. Sammy ended up falling asleep on my shoulder, and let me tell you it was the best moment of my entire week. If not month. He is just so precious and squishey and loveable! I can't take it!! I am doomed when I have my own kids. Doomed..
Not to be outdone in the cuteness arena, here is Mr Joe playing with his new Star Wars outfit and light saber that I got him for Valentines day. Needless to say he absolutely LOVED it!!
If you will notice the light saber actually lights up, unlike the one he allready had.
Yeah, I am cool Charity. SUPER COOL!!
Before Katie went to study she took some cute pictures of me, Joey and Sammy having a light saber war. I won. I so did. Even with a baby on my lap I was VICTORIOUS!!
At least thats what i'm telling myself.
I won't even talk about how badly Joey creamed me at Mario Kart. It was ugly. "Why am I in the corner? WHYYY!!!" "Charity, where ARE you??!!" "I'm still in the corner, Joe"
I must have done something right, because last night as I was sitting at home, Katie let Joey call me because he missed me. :) *awh* He said he missed me and he wanted me to come over and play. RIGHT.NOW. And he also told me he loved me. *melts* I can't help it. I love those kids.