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Thank goodness today is over...

Today has to be preserved to remind me that things could always be worse.

I got up and got ready for work, headed out to my truck at 7:30 like I always do. I went to click it unlocked and nothing happened. Suddenly I had a sinking feeling and realized that I had left my lights on from when I got home from the dentist at 3 pm YESTERDAY!

My battery was deader than a doornail.

I proceeded to call anyone and everyone I had ever met in my entire life. And no one had jumper cables or could give me a lift to work. So I was freaking out.

I HAD to be at work, so finally after no luck I called a cab and they said they would be there in 15 mins. So I went outside and waited on them, while talking to my Mom on my cell explaining what was going on. She asked me why I didn't call my Grams and have her come. Um.. because she's almost an hour away?

After awhile I realize the cab should have been there by now so I get off the phone and call them back. It is now 30 mins after my first call. They said that no one was available and after the next person got back from their run they would send them my way.

Estimated time 20-30 mins.

I get off the phone and start crying because I'm having visions of getting to work and being fired. (and I've also turned into a crier. not sure HOW or why that happened but it sucks!!)

Suddenly, a car pulls into a spot two vehicles away from my dead truck. I throw caution to the wind, and go over to the vehicle, still crying, and ask the lady who was smoking and had her window down (hey, so not my fault! keep your window up if you don't want bothered!!) if she had jumper cables. She did not. I remembered I had a ciggarette lighter to lighter cable and asked her if she had a ciggarette plug in that worked. Alas she did!! SO I convinced her to pull her car behind my truck and try to plug it in. Well the cord wasn't long enough.. What to do.. what to do.. I was near tears again.

She suggested putting the truck in neutral and pushing it. STELLAR idea! I could have hugged her! So I quickly did just that. Well, I quickly put it into neutral, it wasn't so quick pushing it. Have you ever tried to push a 4 door ford explorer? Those things are NOT LIGHT!!

Finally I had it pushed to the middle of the parking lot and that was good enough for me. SO she pulled up beside me and we plugged everything in.

To make a long story shorter, we charged that sucker for over 30 mins and not very much happened. It did finally make clicking noises when I tried to start my truck, but nothing happened after that.

THEN the taxi guy FINALLY shows up. An hour and 15 mins after they said he would be there. He didn't have jumper cables either. Yes, I asked:) He gracious pushed my truck into a parking space while i steered it, and drove me to work. After a quick stop at the bank for cash, since i never carry any!

That was my first experience taking a cab and after the way he drove I pray it is my last! I was telling him that he needed to be in the other lane in order to turn into the drive that takes you to my building. His response? Oh don't worry. After this light turns green I'm going to floor it and pass these 4 cars and then I will cut over in front of the bus (which was stopped at the turn into the drive) And then we'll turn into the drive.

And Lord have mercy he did just that.

I was quite grateful to get to work. ALIVE.

I was not a happy camper though, I was really stressed and worried that I was going to get into alot of trouble, or worse get fired. So I sat at my desk trying to calm down and of course started stinking BAWLING! I turned my back on the person who was copying, but Sara heard my sniffling snotting around from the front desk and came back to check on me. Bless her heart, she saw me crying and put her arm around me and hugged me and patted my back. She was so sweet it only made me cry harder! And then Poor Betsy wandered back there and saw me bawling and was worried about me. It was a horrible stressful day, but my co workers were so sweet and so genuinely concerned about me, that it makes me tear up even now!! I <3>

Above all else, JESUS IS COOL!!!

and I should add that my WONDEFUL FATHER came all the way down here, picked me up at work and suffered through me introducing him to everyone, took me home where he hooked up my new set of jumper cables YAY I HAVE MY VERY OWN!! charged my battery, and took me on a scenic view of l-town while we were testing it out. AND he got me a slush from Dairy Queen and wouldn't let me pay for his shake. I Love my DADDY! HE is the best ever!!


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