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Week in Review

This is kind of a jumbled together throw it all in post, but I thought since I have some new reader and people actually commenting! YAYS!! HIiiiiii!!! *waves* I had better start posting a little more often!

So this week has went by slowly for some reason. I am proud to say that after STAR moved to Elliot I have successfully led the group of people to MTW every day this week WITHOUT getting lost. Or taking them to the basement of Elliot. I will however admit that on Monday I did have a brief moment of confusion on which sidewalk to take and started praying furiously for a sign, I looked up and voila University's steeple!! Thank you Purdue for putting a steeple on that building so I know which direction to head. I owe you.

Sadly I have not mastered the art of walking backwards while talking and leading my group. I have three more days to get that down before STAR ends. I am determined DETERMINED to do it. But maybe not tomorrow. We have a huge group and if i fall or trip, i really dont' want to do it in front of 100 people..

I have been faithfully exercising this week. I am back on the wagon!! Tonight I cardio biked 30 miles, which took a little over an hour, and i burned 1301 calories! WOOT! GO ME!! Sadly about 1/3 of those calories were from the Starbucks that Mary and I got this afternoon.

We took a walk to the union for a Starbucks run and the oh so helpful cashier dude (i say this sarcastically) could not tell me the difference between a mocha frauppucino and a blended creme double chocolatey chip frauppucino but he did have the helpful tip of "eat it slowly" rubs belly "it has 1300 calories in it!!" might i mention he gave me a rather POINTED look when he said that. I about slapped him. Thankfully for my sake I didn't like the drink and drank 1/3 of it. If that. Last time I'm adventerous. Seriously that is why I am so routine and always get the same thing when I go places. Anytime I try something different i don't like it!

I know. Tales of my Starbucks experience are pretty darned thrilling. But if you're here reading my blog you're probably not looking for anything that would classify for a pulitzer prize. and if you are. well.. sorry.

And now my dear readers I think I am going to head to bed early. I don't feel that great, haven't all day and the crappy fraup didnt help. Another big day of STAR is upon us tomorrow and then, blessedly, the weekend. Sleep. I am coming. I love you Sleep!!


LizzieB said…
What a disgrace to Starbucks, the guy couldn't tell you the difference between a mocha and a was was previously known as "java chip." If I remember correctly, one has expresso and one does not-BIG Difference! For shame!

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