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Why I'll never be as famous as the great PW

I can't seem to get this whole blogging every day, or every other day.. apparently my life is just too dull and boring to have something to talk about. I should work on that.

In exciting news I am up to 8!! 8!!! followers and I am only related to 2 of them! YESSSSSSS!! If I actually knew how to link their names to their blogs in this post I would tell you all about them, but since I struggle a tad, ok, ALOT, you'll just have to take alittle walk to my followers and go check them out!!

In almost as exciting news as that, I DID IT!! Yes, I managed FINALLY to master, um, attempt and not fall flat on my face, (yeah thats more like it) the whole Tour Guide Walking Backwards while talking today. I was SO PROUD of myself!! And it is harder than it looks! I only had 4 people and its hard to walk at a good pace when walking backwards AND talking. Its a miracle I didn't kill myself. I am so practicing that over this coming year and next STAR I will be so profficient at walking backwards and talking while holding my CFS sign, Purdue will want me to lead every single tour there is. And thats alot of tours my friends. ALOT.

Sadly this weekend was a bust, I got sick Saturday afternoon and spent the whole time being sick and laying on the couch. It sucked. I still don't feel good today, but I have managed to make it through work without hurling on anyone so thats good. Tomorrow morning I'm going to see a specialist who will hopefully be able to help me figure out WHAT THE HECK is wrong with my body and why I feel miserable 75% of the time. I won't bore you with my whiningings about my health, just pray they can help me. Its getting old.

Thursday after work and a quick stop at my chiro's, (oh how i love him!!) to get my neck in shape, I am catching a ride with my Dad who will also be at the Chiro's, we keep it in the family:) and we are heading HOME HOME ON THE RANGE!! Home to the farm for the Holiday weekend. SOooooooo excited. Three days of sleeping in past 6:30, Mom cooking, sighs, fresh air, trees blowing in the wind, and of course how can we forget my pet cow Precious? Have no fears I will be sure to capture her on film for her adoring audience.

This year on the 4'th I am going to attempt to get up and go into town for their Festival. Its always alot of fun, more fun when you have money to spend but I digress. As a kid we always went to the festival, unless we were baleing hay. (which happened often) And then we went to the fireworks that night with our friends who would be up camping. I loved laying out of the grass on quilts with my glow in the dark necklace watching the fireworks.

Sadly things have changed since the olden days of my youth, and you can no longer lay out on the town lawn and watch the fireworks. something about them falling on people or something. wusses. So we will park alongside the road and sit in the SUV and watch them. That is if we can stay awake long enough to go to them. Last year Dad and I both fell asleep on the couches. OOops...

What are you doing for the 4'th?


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