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Life is precious, life is sweet

I have been informed that I need to blog, so in order to appease SKippy and not have her give me the scary eyebrow of death (which btw i totally tried to make my eyebrow move like yours yesterday. totally didn't work.)

I don't really have a set topic today, I guess I will just give y'all an update of whats happening in Cherryland!

Well Friday I was home with a Monster Migraine, which effectively killed any and all plans I had for that night:(

Saturday I still had a leftover headache but was feeling better, and that was really good because I had to babysit the bubbies that afternoon! Joe didn't take a nap, but was surprisingly calm and low key. Usually he is bouncing off the walls! Sam Sam took a LONG nap and was none too happy when he woke up. Especially when he found out Dada was leaving. oops.. Thankfully george (stuffed monkey) and blankie helped and he quit crying. I felt horrible, he has never cried when I have watched them! Poor thing was having a rough day.

So the boys both watched Thomas the Train, which is quite possibly the worst movie ever made. Seriously, I thought From Justin to Kelly was bad. They have NOTHING on Thomas the train! NOTHING!! And to make it weirder, Alec Baldwin was in it?! I was like what the mess?!?! Thankfully I had a magazine with me to read while they napped, so i popped that out and glanced through it while they watched the movie. Boy do I hope they have better children's movies by the time I have kids..

Sunday I was FINALLY able to go to church!! YEAH!! And it was a really awesome Worship service. We sang a new song which I about went charasmatic on, and sang another song that is one of my faves that of course I can't remember the name of! Someone even SAT by me in church!! That was exciting enough! No one ever sits by me, especially willingly! HA!! SO that was cool. I really am finally getting involved and plugged into my church and I'm beginning to feel like I am part of the church family. I didn't realize how much I had missed that. MY old church we went to from when i was 13-21 and everyone knew me (ha they couldn't get away from me if they tried! seeing as I was on stage doing offertory, choir, leading choir, special music, and the pianist for the youth choir) I was almost the churches mascot! So its been different not having that at this church, but I finally really feel like I'm home. and I have to say that is all because of getting involved with the Weds night Women's Bible Study last semester. I was terrified to go alone and not know anyone but I went and now I have friends and its great!

Not only do I have friends:) but for the first time in the 5 years i've been going to my new church, I got invited to go to someone's house for lunch! I had an awesome time with Kristy and her hubby and twin girls. They are so much fun, and Kristy is as crazy as I am... hmmm... maybe more? (HE ASKED ABOUT ME!! bwhaahahha)

To top all of that fun off next Friday night I start my new role as a small group babysitter! I'll be watching the kids in Kristy's small group, and I"m really looking forward to it! A bit apprehensive because it is three girls and one boy, and I am used to joe and sam, no girls! So this will take some getting used to! Especially if there are tears! ohhh boy howdy. I just don't do well with anyone crying at all. If one of them cries i may be sitting with them crying! HA!!

OK well this has turned into less of a what i've been up to post and more of a GET INVOLVED WITH SOMETHING AT YOUR CHURCH!!!! :):):) That means you Skip!!!



~~~Alana~~~ said…
Yeah! I guess its true about getting involved in church. We lead a small group... which is really cool. Our church is huge though, so sometimes we still go to church and dont know anyone!
Lucky in Love said…
Ha! Please...come do a presentation! That would be priceless.

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