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Well, I have been MIA for the past few days, here and I was doing SO GOOD at blogging everyday!

Well it at started with my growth hormone test at LCC on Friday morning. What was supposed to be a four hour test turned into 5+. Thanks in part to the FIRE DRILL and EVACUATION of the building. No, I am not kidding. I wish I was. That happened alittle after 8 as I was waiting to be taken back to Infusion for my super fun test. Did I mention that I was supposed to be calm and "at rest" for this test? I even had to have my Mom drive me there because I was not supposed to drive, or be fully awake. Yeah the fire alarm kind of killed that.

If I was smart I would have known that would be a sign of things to come.

I finally got back into my cube and the nurse had to stick me 4 times to get an IV going. My veins from the outside appear nice, but inside they are very tiny and roll. No one ever believes me untill they stick me and find out how hard it is to get a decent vein.

So she finally gets me hooked up. Then we have to wait another half hour almost for the Pharmacy to come up with the 32 oz+ of crap they pumped into my body. Seriously? I mean they knew I was coming, it was a planned test, why did it take so long?

So we are allready behind schedule thanks to the fire drill and the pharmacy.

Finally all of the meds go in me and they start the counter. They had to take blood from me every 30 mins after. That is where the REAL FUN began.

The nurse came in from the lab to draw blood and could not find a vein. Many sticks later she got ahold of a vein but it wouldn't give her any blood. Unfortunately this became the norm, as I went through 4 more withdrawls and 3 more nurses. One after the other who could not get a vein and blood. At the 11'th stick (yes I counted untill 15) on my left arm I lost it and just started crying. It hurt SO.BAD. In fact, days later it still hurts when I touch my arm, wash it in the shower, or even fully straighten it. SUPER FUN.

As if the pain wasn't enough, the ice machine and free pops and water dispenser was RIGHT OUTSIDE MY ROOM! I hadn't eaten or drank anything since 8 pm the night before. I was close to killing for a glass of ice water. And yet they gave me nothing! Not even when I left! I walked out and almost hit the ground right before Mom met me in the lobby. I was sooooo dizzy and lightheaded... not good. thankfully Mom had a banana in the truck and I scarfed that down.

When I left I told the Nurses they could this this test to torture Terrorists. I was ready to confess to ANYTHING to make it stop!!

I am definately NOT doing that test again if I have the choice.

To make things even more fun, I was not able to have any meds after 6:30 am Thursday, 24 hours before my test on Friday.. So thanks to that and the test I felt pretty sick all stinking weekend long. I am so ready for a weekend when I feel good!! I would even settle for OK!!

And now, because you care, here are my bruises, they don't photograph that well so Imagine them much worse!!


Lucky in Love said…
Cherry limeades are totally worth it! I'm so sad they didn't have one there when I was in school!
Charity said…
I went to college in FL and went to Happy hour at Sonic almost everyday. It was rough coming back to NO Sonic for 4 years!! :(

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