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Christmas Traditions!

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? If you have ever received a gift from me you know I can't wrap at all!!!

2. Real tree or Artificial? Artificial

3. When do you put up the tree? Usually the week before Thanksgiving since I am gone for Thanksgiving. I love to come back and have it up!

4. When do you take the tree down? The first week of the New Year.

5. Do you like eggnog? Yech no!!

6. Favorite gift received as a child? I got a pink leather coat one year. I have a picture of me wearing it and grinning like a loon!

7. Hardest person to buy for? My Dad!!

8. Easiest person to buy for? My Mom!!

9. Do you have a nativity scene? Yes, I have a small one that I got from my Grams last year!

10. Mail or email Christmas cards? Mail! Every year I say I'm going to do Christmas cards and every year I don't! I usually Email a Pic of myself on Christmas in front of the tree with a verse.

11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? My Grandma Eva gave me a cat sweater one year. Thank goodness it didn't fit.

12. Favorite Christmas Movie? National Lampoon of course!! I haven't seen most of the others. I"ve never seen its a wonderful life!

13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? I try to grab stuff all year long. If i see something that I know someone would like I"ll buy it. I LOVE buying gifts!!!

14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Probably. Yes

15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Ham and Green bean casserole and my mom's cheesy potatoes.. mmm..

16. Lights on the tree? Yes! The mo' da' betta!

17. Favorite Christmas song? I love Casting Crowns While you were sleeping. And any of the charlie brown or bing crosby cd's!

18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? Go home to my parents on christmas eve and wake up there christmas morning!!

19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? Um. No.

20. Angel on the tree top or a star? Right now neither because the top of my tree is a tad stunted and struggling.

21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? Christmas Morning after reading the Christmas story and praying!

22. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? Lots of people in stores.

23. Favorite ornament, theme, or color? Anything with sequins and sparkle! And I love having ornaments that mean something, that i've gotten growing up.

24. Favorite for Christmas Dinner? see the fave food above

25. What do you want to do for Christmas this year? Be with my family and I will be!!

26. Favorite Christmas tradition growing up? Getting up at the crack of dawn with my bro and getting my mom up! dad gets up super early!

27. Favorite tradition now? Reading the Christmas story in the Bible and taking a few minutes to reflect on Jesus birth and what that means to me. And thinking of how he has blessed me and taken care of me over the past year.

28. Favorite Christmas Memory? The funniest ones are things that have happened during the Christmas story. Dad gets alittle carried away reading the Bible and a few times we have almost made it to Acts with him still reading!! And one year Mom had been playing with a Purdue Key Chain that plaid the fight song. It broke and kept going off during the reading of the christmas story AND when we were praying!!


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