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7 Quick Takes

1. I have now completed two successful weeks of doing yoga AND not drinking pop. I'm eager to weigh in tomorrow and find out how it went!

2. I laugh hysterically everytime I heard pants on the ground. This includes the times I sing it.

3. The Pimpmobile is back in action! Thanks to Sams Club and a new battery its running like it did in its younger days!

4. I had so much fun tonight, I went to the Dollar Tree, yes grams they are STILL open, and got a few special little toys for my Miss Charity bag. Small group is tomorrow night and I wanted to have a few new things for the kids to play with. I vetoed the balls and things they could throw at me. (Those kids have wicked aims!)

5. I saw a PINK sweatshirt in the bookstore today that I want SOOOOO BAD!! It has our logo on the chest,, has a pocket for the hands and zips down to the pocket! LOVE IT!! I hate having to pull hoodies over my head, it always messes my hair up!

6. Its currently 8 degrees and my apt feels about 7 degrees warmer than that. I can't seem to keep it very warm this winter, despite my horrible heat bill. I may have to head to bed just to warm up.

7. I can't believe next week is Feb! Where has this year gone??!


~~~Alana~~~ said…
Wow, two weeks of no pop and yoga is a great record!! :)
I am on day 3 of no sugar or refined carbs. It sucks!

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