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Chapter 4- The Cure

So we're still focusing on worry and anxiety and BOY HOWDY do I need that this week! Its kind of cool to see how God is using this study, things we discuss on Weds are actually happening and affecting me the rest of the week.

For instance, its been a really bad past few days. I have cried myself to sleep twice and been very upset and unsettled. I tend to run to people and share whatever I'm upset about instead of running to God. My Mom will tell you that alot of times I dump my problems and worry on her and expect her to make it all better, I mean, she is a Mom and that's what Mom's do, right? This is something I really need to work on for the rest of my life.

I am happy to share though, last night was prob. the worst. I was in a horrible mood, nothing, not the three pieces of birthday cake, the guacamole, people and us weekly magazine, NOTHING was helping. I sat on my couch trying to figure out what to do. It was after 8 pm and I had been pretty much miserable for the past 5+ hours. My eyes were drawn to my bible and this book on my coffee table, waiting for me to do my study for this coming week.

I opened my book and out flew the study guide that Sarah had made us last week. At the very top was this verse and this saying......

"You are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed" Luke 10:41-42

Give me one pure and holy passion
Give me one magnificent obsession
Give me glorious ambition for my life;
To know and follow hard after you.

I had to have read that over 20 times. I just kept reading and rereading that verse, and it was like God was speaking to me, telling me to quit worrying about everything, quit worrying and being upset and instead focus all of my energy all of my being on chasing after HIM.

I ended up writing that verse and that saying on these DARLING little cards that Whitney made us the week before when she had taught. I am hanging that up at my desk so when my thoughts get carried away, I can look at it and remember WHAT and WHO is important.

Another verse that spoke to me, which I also put on one of Whit's cards (sorry girl, I took two!!!) was part of our sermon on Sunday.

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus" Phil 4:6-7

Now this is a nice set of verses and you read it and think of thats lovely, yeah i'll just tell God about all my problems, and go on with life. But when you really stop and just take time, and go to a place with God and God alone and say LORD This is whats on my heart and I am HURTING HURTING I can't do this on my own I cannot do this without you, I just can't carry this load! The peace the true peace of just giving it up to God is indescribable.

And when you think about it, why are we worrying and carrying these burdens ourselves? We could give all of our problems up to the creator of the world! The one who formed each and every one of us, he placed the hairs on our head one by one! I just love reading the verses about him forming me in my mothers womb and just the visual picture of Jesus creating me and placing every single hair on my head oh so delicately with love... Have you ever thought about that? That Jesus created you? Stop and think about it and it will rock your world.

Again I have rambled and gotten off on another trail but that is whats on my heart tonight. I'm not perfect at giving things up to God and I certainly do worry and take things to heart that I shouldn't. But with God's help I am a work in progress.


LizzieB said…
I am totally on the same page with you! Our women's sunday school class is doing a study on worry-its a book by Elizabeth George and I totally memorized the Phil 4:6-7 verse in the last week or two as I was worrying about things. I have so much more of a peace when I pray and ask God to help me combat the worry thoughts. For me its been my health (still struggling with that same health issue). I just heard today on the radio how we should consider anything that makes us need God as a blessing. Its really really hard sometimes but God is helping me day by day to make me more of what he wants me to be and I know he's doing the same for you. :)
ae said…
why is it so easy to worry and so hard to trust in God? i also struggle with worry. i have to continually remind myself of the verses in Phil.

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