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Today was a magical day...

Today was such a beautiful magical day. Ellen got married today!!! The little girl I have known since she was 6 years old is now a beautiful married woman!! I got to see her before the wedding and it was really special.
I had seen pictures of her in her dress but to see the whole package put together. WOW. it took my breath away and I almost cried. But I was too excited for her!
She was typical Ellen, hyper, excited and just ready!! I love that about her! Probably because we're so much alike!!
And then I got to see my Amy!! It was SO GOOD to hug her!! I haven't seen her since her wedding a year and a half ago, since she moved to Hawaii with her hubs. I just love her. We've been friends for 15 years now and I know no matter what she'll always be there for me. Amy and Ellen aren't just friends. They are family.
The lovely Apes went with me to the wedding and we had such a good time!! It was seriously one of the most fun weddings I have ever been to! Not stuffy, lots of laughter and it just showed Ellen's personality so well!!
I love capturing the close up of the bride seeing her groom. I almost didn't get this because i was about 2.5 seconds away from going into the ugly cry. Somehow I managed to hold it back but it was close. so. close. One of the things Ells did that I loved was walk into her own song. She had a non vocal version of Love Story by Taylor Swift, can't remember if it was all piano or had other instruments but it was beautiful!! her attendants walked in and then when the music crested the doors open and in she came. it gave me chills.
I seriously love this pic. SO beautiful. They were singing to eachother. And that started me crying again
I love this!! Not just because its SO Ellen, but because I have an almost identical picture of Amy from her wedding!! Enthusiasm runs in the family:)
Loved this too! Instead of boring walking down the aisle each pair did something unique! One chick high fived me, and Ames danced. This is the famous Amy Face that I am still trying to perfect!!
I love the rose petals as well. I didn't throw mine because i was taking a picture but i oh so helpfully threw them in the car beforehand... 0=-)
Me and my Other Mom, Mary (amy and ellen's mom) I just love her to pieces! I have spent more time at her home than anyone else that i'm not blood related to! AND she made chicken and noodles for Ellen and Me!! She told me that she made them for Ellen but she was thinking of me too because she knew how much I loved them! AND I DO!! sidenote, does anyone not in Indiana put mashed potatoes on the bottom and then put the chicken and noodles on top? it seems to be a regional thing but dang its good. try it!!
Ames and I working on my Amy face. Still not perfected.
And one last picture with the beautiful Bride before I left!!

It was such a perfect day, I am so happy for Ellen I can't even put it into words. God is good.


Whitney said…
I love the picture after the one where they're singing to each other! Such a fun wedding!
EllenL said…
I love to reread your blog about our wedding. I can't believe it's almost been a year already! YIKES!
Charity said…
That was such an awesome day! I love seeing people I love sooo happy!! sniffles!! makes me want to tear up again!! haha.. i have to say everytime i hear love story on the radio and it gets to the part where the doors opened and there you were, man it still kind of gets me!! i get a little goosebumpy!!

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