After that hilarity we came up to the toll booth, we were listening to one of my FAMOUS mix cd's and ol 50 cent was singing about his birthday. Katie looks at me and says, should we bump it? Its an old guy!! I said hey its your mini van, go for it!!
So we rolled up to the toll booth, 50 Cent bumpin it from her Mini Van Speakers and the look on that old guys face=PRICELESS!!
The final semi interesting thing that happened on the way home was passing where WNDU broadcasts from. My parents live North enough that they get South Bend TV, so I have grown up watching WNDU 16! Too bad we couldn't stop and chat with Maureen McFadden and Rick Mecklinberger! :(
I Just have to say that Katie Marie is a great Chauffer and a fun road trip buddy! We laughed SO HARD on the way home that we should have had 6 pack abs the next day from all the muscles used! She was a great sport to go with me and put up with my nefarious craziness!!