I had a great time at her shower!! I wasn't sure what to expect because its been quite some time since I've been to a baby shower but it was seriously SO FUN!! I got to sit with Em and her family before the presents and we talked and cracked up and were our loud nefarious selves!
The funniest part was when she was sitting across the table from me trying to help me with the word puzzle we were doing. People were accusing us of cheating. Yeah, we had 5 words. And only 2 were actually on the list. We were finding other words and trying to pass them off as bonus words. They didn't let us! We told them that the two of us put together didn't make one intelligent person that day and sadly that was so true!! Stinkin hilarious though!
I love hanging out with that girl! She's such a good friend to me and I can't wait to see little Madelyn grow up!!