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Having a Mary Spirit- Chapter 3 Twisted Sisters

Well God is continuing to show me real life examples of what we learn in Bible Study each week and specifically what *I* need to learn and change in my heart! It can be a tad painful at times, but again like the book says, Its a good hurt.

I admit sometimes when I am faced with everything in my life and heart that is sinful and God needs to chang it can be a little daunting, but the Bible says that He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it.

A few weeks ago someone brought that verse up and they said something I hadn't thought about. God says he will be faithful to complete us but he doesnt' give us a time frame. He has his own time frame and we may not be completed untill we go to Heaven. That makes me feel better!

Because I look at myself and think WHOA. There is no way that all of this is getting changed anytime soon! And it helps me to remember that i'm on God's time frame and not my own. Which is wonderful because I am the most impatient hurried person you could imagine!

Chapter 3 was titled Twisted Sisters and boy howdy... It hit me hard! It only took three lessons to get me to the crying point! For me this lesson was an extension of the lesson the week before when I realized I have an attitude problem. This week we had a sheet of Sinful Alter Ego's and hello, there I am the trouble with my Temper!! I don't have my sheet with me so I forget the exact words but man alive it hit me upside the head! That is SO me! When things don't go my way or something happens that I don't like, ect I get mad! And that is not the way I should be nor is it the way I want to be.

Sheryl talked about having that Twister Sister inside of us, and since I"m not so creative (ha) I kept the name from the book. Tawanda. yes, I have a Tawanda inside of me who is not very friendly and is childish in her wants for things to go her way. She gets mad when she thinks she is wronged and doesn't realize that she does not deserve to be treated well just because she is who she is. I was sharing this with Caca my accountability partner and she said the following which made SO MUCH SENSE!!

"Even though you're nice. YOURE STILL A SINNER. Therefore you don't deserve ANY niceness or grace! Yet God gives it to us everyday! So instead of focusing on people being mean. Focus on the people that were nice. Because. You DID NOT deserve those people, but God allowed you to get niceness from them :) "
She speaks the truth!
So I have been on alert this week for when Tawanda wants to come out and I have been squashing her down! ok so not successfully each and every time but she has been drastically limited to her freedom and she is getting ready to hed to San Quentin and be gone forever! I have even made a little song to sing to myself when I feel my attitude and meanness coming out. I will spare you from that song but its actually helping me! Instead of spewing out nastiness from my mouth I am singing something nice and putting my focus where it should be!


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