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SHE'S having a baby!!!!

So as I have documented on this blog, my dear friend Emboz has been pregnant for what seems like forever. She finally gave her last eviction notice on Thursday, October 14 and Madelyn Faith finally gave up the fight to stay in her warm, squishy home and came out to meet the world.
Emboz invited me to the hospital beforehand so I went over after I got off work at 6 pm and proceeded to stay there untill after Madi arrived and I got to see and hold her. I finally left close to midnight. The alarm going off 6 1/2 hours later when I only had 4 1/2 hours sleep was not a beautiful noise. but I digress! I would do it all over again!!
Grandma Lisa asked me if I was staying for the whole thing and I said Heck No! I have to work tomorrow! But, after I had been there over 3 hours and the informed us she was about to push I wasn't going anywhere!! So we evacuated the premises of the delivery room and hung out in the lounge untill the baby was born a mere 30 mins later! And bonus, we turned on Greys exactly ONE MINUTE before Dr Avery took off his shirt! Yes, it was a beautiful evening all around. Amen and Amen.
So I was sitting on the couch which btw was very comfy, in Em's room and I look up to see these strange do-hoppers in the ceiling. I realize our Hospital is new but I was really wondering why they hadn't put tile up there. Untill Greg informed me they were lights. This confused me even more since I had a giant lamp right by me that was lighting me as bright as the New Years ball... He told me to look over to my right.....
Where I saw this. Yes. That is a camera. The lighting is spotlights for the camera. I will let you fill in with your mind where exactly that camera is located precisely right over. I was creeped out. YUCK. Some things just shouldn't be shown.

Em tried to rest but the shaking from the Epidural kept her awake. She was a tad loopy because she kept complimenting me on my purse (yes, still THAT purse from the flight) and my shoes matching. Um. they didn't. Purse was red. Shoes were Purple. Bless her heart she said 3-4 times how impressed she was. I finally asked her what they had put in her Epidural!!

We had to pose for one last pic of us with her Preggo!!! She was a trooper!! Rockstar Baby Momma!! I hope I am that calm and chill when I have kids!!

Me and Aunti Beans- Greg's sister. I have known her for awhile, she was one of our students and we get along well but boy howdy did we have fun last night!! Jenni and Amanda their other sister are so stinkin hilarious I can't even put it into words!! Jenni aka Beans, and I were like two peas in a pod. We kept cracking eachother up and were laughing so hard we had to hold onto eachother lest we fall down. No fears, this was when we had evacuated the premises to hang out in the Lounge while Em popped Madi out. Luckily we were the only people in the lounge but apparently we were loud. :)
The funniest part of the whole evening had to be the med student assisting the Dr. Well him or Sharon the nurse. More about her later!!
We three girls had went out to the hallway for something and Grandma Lisa came out and said she's gonna push we're having a baby!!
So the three of us start jumping up and down in the air, with our hands waving all around, dancing yelling WE"RE HAVING A BABY!! WE"RE HAVING A BABY!!!! Of course right at the moment we landed we look and there is this short little young man there just staring at us. and when I say staring at us I mean STARING at us, like the look you give someone/something that is so completely insane that you can't even wrap your brain around it. Yup. that was the look we got! And for some reason he makes eye contact with me! still staring! so I yelled again, WE"RE HAVING A BABY!! with my arms in the air. And then I realized what I said and I was like well, we're not having a baby, I"M not having a baby- SHE"s having a baby- and I pointed to the door to Em's room. Yeah he was still staring but by this point Jenni and Amanda, who were NO HELP WHATSOEVER, were laughing so hard that Jenni was holding on to me and poor Amanda was propped up by the rail on the wall. (so THATS what those are there for!!)
Finally he went inside and we found out he had told the Dr and Nurse that the girls in the hallway scared him. I told Beans if he was going to be in the medical profession he was going to have to man up a little bit, if he couldn't handle our happiness how would he handle an emergency situation???!!
So beans and I hung out in the lounge, Amanda was there for awhile and then she DESERTED US to go get her husband. And missed the grand finale!! Everytime we heard a door shut we leaned off of our sofa to see if it was them and FINALLY, ok really only 30 mins later, Grandma Lisa stuck her head in and said..
And Beans and I screamed so loud that Greg and Emboz heard us two hallways down!!!!!!!!!!!
We were VERY excited!! So that commenced the calling of people and trying to get ahold of Amanda to come BACK and Greg's Dad who was at home.
I have to say I felt so privledged to be invited to share this time with Emboz and Greg and their family. I feel like with my health I miss out on alot of things and It was just really special for me to be able to be there and see this happen and support them with the growing of their family.
I told Emily today I hoped we weren't too obnoxious last night because Beans and Amanda are just so hysterical that I just couldn't NOT laugh. She informed me she was so drugged up and happy she didn't care about anything! Rock on, Rock On. I want some of that when I deliver!!
I was a little afeared when i first got there and she looked so miserable, but alot of that was from the exhaustion of being up over 24 hours. She looked amazing after she gave birth. She looked better than we did by far!! It definately helped convince me that I could have at least one baby :) and adopt the rest :)
Stay tuned for Part two!!


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