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Thanksgiving Thankfullness

Today I am Thankful for:

Being able to spend the entire day in my PJ's

Getting more than 4 hours of sleep

Mom fixing my laptop so I can get online at the farm

Hardcore Antibiotics

Being able to mostly hear out of my ears

My parents house being so warm I can hang out in shorts -LOVE wood heat!

The Green Bean Casserole I will be annihilating soon!

The awesome friends that will be helping me move tomorrow!

Being done with moving soon I hate it!!

Dad setting up the tv so I could watch Dr Phil and Oprah last night, it was sweet!

My comfy bed at my parents and the SILENCE

Two Days off work!

Getting off work early yesterday :)

My Parents holding hands right now, its so cute!!

The Arrival of Little No Name in less than 2 weeks!!

The end of the semester approaching

My Parents that love me probably more than they should seeing as I'm a stinker!

My wonderful Friends that know me and love me anyway!

The great journey God has taken me on over the past year! Where he leads me I will follow!


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