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This is the year I actually do Christmas Cards!

I know, I know I say this every year but really, THIS IS THE YEAR!!!

All thanks to Shutterfly. We all knew I needed professional help to get this accomplished and they are there for your every printing need!

I love Christmas Photo Cards, true story! I actually use them as decorations, I hang them on my fridge and even hang them on my desk at work. Regular Christmas Cards I usually don't hang on to unless someone has really written something profound in them, but photo cards I almost always keep! I just love seeing the faces of those I love!

So this year instead of buying cards at a store that I will never fill out I am going to hop over to Shutterfly and take advantage of their fabulousness!!!

I have great love for Shutterfly, My Mom got me onto them a year or so ago and since then I have used them to make some really cool Photo Books which is definately my favorite product that they offer! You know me and my love of pictures, a photo book is perfect because it can hold all of your favorite memories! I like the 4 by 6 ones that I can stick in my massive purse and take along with me!!

And I'm sure that once my precious little nephew comes along I will be making a Canvas Wall Print of his adorable little face!

I know you're all jealous now and want to make your own Shutterfly Christmas Cards! Well good news! They have a fabulous offer going on right now for Bloggers just like me and you, hence this post!

Pop on over to Shutterfly and sign up for your free 50 prints as well!!

And you can be as cool as me! Well, ok maybe not AS COOL, but close enough!!


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