I hit hit publish post and realized the count is up to three and not two!
The first started when I fell on the sidewalk walking into work on Tuesday. Right in front of the security guys and the "Snow removal" person.
Second happened when I was running errands at lunch and ran to Payless and saw my friend Lynne from the opposite end of the aisle. I've known her for years and have always called her "Foxxy" a play off of her last name.
So I saw her at the other end of the aisle and of course, me being me, yells out FOXXXXXYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!
She looks up and says I don't have my glasses on but I'm pretty sure thats Charity!
So I replied indignantly, what do you mean you think its me? Are you cheating on me with someone else??!!
I probably shouldn't have said that with the same exuberance as i yelled her name seeing as she was very close to the check out lines that were all packed with at least 5 people in each lane. They all turned to stare at us. And snicker. I wanted to tell them we were Baptists and in the same bible study and not like that but I figured by that point I should just shut up! :)
We chatted for a few minutes untill i went to the self check out line and she went to go get into line behind a lady who had snickered at us. Foxxy's parting shot? "Well I'm going to go get into line behind this lady who i'm sue thinks very bad things about me right now!" bwhahahah sorry Foxxy. :)
I think the lesson here is if you know me, be prepared for me to scream your name. I'm telling you, I have great lung compacity, all those years of being a voice major paid off :)
The first started when I fell on the sidewalk walking into work on Tuesday. Right in front of the security guys and the "Snow removal" person.
Second happened when I was running errands at lunch and ran to Payless and saw my friend Lynne from the opposite end of the aisle. I've known her for years and have always called her "Foxxy" a play off of her last name.
So I saw her at the other end of the aisle and of course, me being me, yells out FOXXXXXYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!
She looks up and says I don't have my glasses on but I'm pretty sure thats Charity!
So I replied indignantly, what do you mean you think its me? Are you cheating on me with someone else??!!
I probably shouldn't have said that with the same exuberance as i yelled her name seeing as she was very close to the check out lines that were all packed with at least 5 people in each lane. They all turned to stare at us. And snicker. I wanted to tell them we were Baptists and in the same bible study and not like that but I figured by that point I should just shut up! :)
We chatted for a few minutes untill i went to the self check out line and she went to go get into line behind a lady who had snickered at us. Foxxy's parting shot? "Well I'm going to go get into line behind this lady who i'm sue thinks very bad things about me right now!" bwhahahah sorry Foxxy. :)
I think the lesson here is if you know me, be prepared for me to scream your name. I'm telling you, I have great lung compacity, all those years of being a voice major paid off :)