There are very few reasons I would get up super early on a bitterly cold Saturday and go ANYWHERE. But for my Women's Bible Study I will do pretty much anything because I just love and adore these women and love learning and fellowshipping with them! So bright and early this snowy morning I headed all dolled up to church for our kick off Breakfast!
It definitely did not disappoint! I had such a great time! I sat with my buddy Karen who I now know owns a pink shirt so I will be expecting her to be showing up to bible study in that on Pink Weds :):)
For some reason we are always the loudest, giggliest table no matter what... I have no clue why? 0=-) We just like to have a good time! And we always do!! Brenda also sat with us, I have had the pleasure to get to know her a little better and she is just the sweetest, funniest lady!!
And yes this is a bad picture of me but what can you do? I was super excited that my Bryna was there, we hadn't hung out in awhile so It was nice to catch up!! She's a doll, I heart her greatlt! And she looked SO PRETTY in her festive shirt!!!!
Sadly that was all the pictures I got because I had to rush off to the Chiropractor to get my neck popped back in :( But we had a great time!!
Sarah gave a wonderful and really convicting lesson on evangelizing and it was really awesome because like she said it can seem to daunting. We think we have to have a whole speech prepared and really you just have to be open, looking for opportunities to be around those who are unsaved and just be ready to be open with them. You don't have to be perfect you just have to be willing and ready to listen to God's leading and go with it! It was so simple the way she explained it! and it was definitely convicting.
I am so excited that Bible study is starting up again on the second! I actually finished my centerpieces for the tables this afternoon and i'm super geeked to put them out and show everyone!! Even more so I'm geeked to learn more and find out how God is going to stretch and grow me this Spring and cut out the crud from my life and make me more of his! Heart Changes ahead- Stay Tuned!
It definitely did not disappoint! I had such a great time! I sat with my buddy Karen who I now know owns a pink shirt so I will be expecting her to be showing up to bible study in that on Pink Weds :):)
Sadly that was all the pictures I got because I had to rush off to the Chiropractor to get my neck popped back in :( But we had a great time!!
Sarah gave a wonderful and really convicting lesson on evangelizing and it was really awesome because like she said it can seem to daunting. We think we have to have a whole speech prepared and really you just have to be open, looking for opportunities to be around those who are unsaved and just be ready to be open with them. You don't have to be perfect you just have to be willing and ready to listen to God's leading and go with it! It was so simple the way she explained it! and it was definitely convicting.
I am so excited that Bible study is starting up again on the second! I actually finished my centerpieces for the tables this afternoon and i'm super geeked to put them out and show everyone!! Even more so I'm geeked to learn more and find out how God is going to stretch and grow me this Spring and cut out the crud from my life and make me more of his! Heart Changes ahead- Stay Tuned!