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Thursday Thrills

Its a beautiful evening here in the Midwest!! Its 8:28 pm and its still 71 degrees outside!!!!!!! I have my balcony door open, without a screen since my apt complex doesn't seem to think that's a high priority. ahem. ANYWAYS! Its beautiful and I cannot tell you how HAPPY I am to finally have some warm, sunny weather and not have to wear a coat and socks! I don't know which annoy me more, coat or socks. I basically hate them both.

School is on Spring Break this week which means campus is DEAD. We're talking prime parking spots right by the door every single day. Its fabulous!! We of course have to be there but its been a nice break from the chaos. Monday starts Summer/Fall Registration and I am dreading it with every fiber of my being. Its going to be horrible. I've been trying not to think about next week and just enjoy this week! We actually got the big wall in our office painted, TWO COLORS!!!!! And we're getting an oak chair rail next week. Its going to be super snazzy! My wall is getting the same shade of blue that Apes wall has and that's going to look really nice as well. And of course it will bring out my eyes. ha ha ha

I had somewhat of an egregious day today. I had to go to the Dentist:( I love my Dentist but I hate what they do to me!! Monday my tooth started hurting and by Tuesday it was throbbing and I couldn't chew on the left side of my mouth. Do you know how hard it is to eat when you can't chew on one side of your mouth? Because that affects biting as well. Needless to say I'm kinda hungry.

Anywho, I called them and they were able to squeeze me into an apt today. Yesterday, Missy, my co worker came in and took some x-rays for me in the Dental Lab. That was super nice of her! I really appreciated her coming in on her break to do that for me. They were great slides but she couldn't tell anything from them.

So I trotted off to the Dentist on a late "lunch" today and proceeded to be tortured for about 50 minutes. My regular Dentist was busy but his partner took care of me, even though he usually doesn't. I guess it was partially my fault because i did not warn him that it takes ALOT to numb me. Numb me, knock me out, anything to do with drugs I require a large dosage. No clue why but I do. So he gave me two numbing shots and I could feel my cheek getting puffy so he started to drill.

I immediately starting SCREAMING and waving my arms.

I felt every little bit of that drill in my tooth, it felt like they were drilling all the way up to my eyeball. I wanted to cry but it almost hurt too bad to cry. It was HORRIBLE.

So he gave me another shot of different stuff, longer lasting, with epinephrine in it. I don't know what that stuff is but Lord have mercy did it work. Almost too well. I was numb, I kid you not, to my eye brow on the left side of my face. I could not feel my left nostril, I couldn't even tell i was breathing out that side of my face. I couldn't close my left eye. It was FREAKY!! But I will say I felt absolutely no pain :)

He finished with the work and I said wow... I think my face is numb up to my eye brow! Is this normal? That's when he tells me he gave me the high powered stuff that oh by the way, it will last for the next FIVE HOURS.

And then he tells me, Don't be worried if you notice your left eye is droopy and sagging, like that of a stroke victim. That's totally normal and will go away after the 5 hour numbness wears off.

Fabulous I say I am going back to work for the afternoon.

A funny look crosses the Drs face, and then he pats my shoulder and says "well.. Good luck with that"

At this point I would like to Thank April for being SO KIND to me and not laughing at me at all as i tried to eat my ice cream with a spoon and couldn't press my lips together so the top lip went to the left and the bottom lip went to the right. Yes, I looked like a stroke victim and she was laughing so hard she was bent over at the waist. I love my friends :)

I will say this though. The meds did finally mostly wear off. And i can close my eye and breathe out of my left nostril always a plus. And I am very thankful for those strong numbing meds because when it wore off it hurt like the ever loving dickens. Yowza.

Lest you think my Dentist and his partner are horrible people, I really do love my Dentist. We went to church together and i've known him and his wife since before they had kids. They are lovely people. I would just prefer not to see him or his Partner at any time that they are holding a drill.


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