1. 1. My Mom is getting her Mother’s Day Surprise early on Tuesday, which isn’t a surprise because I told her. But it totally wasn’t my fault I gave it away early!
2. 2. Thanks to Bryna I have started saying “oh nay nay nay” when something goes wrong or when I’m trying to “let no corrupting talk”.
3. 3. Monday night I had a bit of a fall. I was walking up to my third floor apt with my purse, my piano teaching bag and a reusable bag filled with powerade all on my left side. Dropped my keys, Leaned down to the right to pick them up, entire body fell to the right down about 5 steps. Ouch.
4. 4. Tuesday I was super proud Miss Charity. My second years finished their exams and they all rocked them! It was so cool to see all the smiles and the sheer relief and happiness on their faces!! I almost had a little tear. Almost.
5. 5.I’ve only been home two nights this week. Next week is looking to be the same or less.
6. 6. One of my friends has exciting news that I will debut in the next month!
7. 7. I’m becoming quite the social media marketer. Dog N Suds loves me and now Payless shoes does as well! I am quite a fan!!