Thursday I was minding my business at work when I noticed we had a tour heading down our hall. They usually stop outside our door and point and wave at me since my desk is right by the door and the hallway.
Well I won’t be mean to the poor lady who was leading the tour. I think she was new or had never led a tour before because she was really struggling. She called our SIM people Cadavers, walked into an empty and dark classroom and then tried to lead the 50+ 8-9 year old children on the tour into a class having a test.
Needless to say it was not going that smoothly and I stopped what I was doing and just sat there and listened to the entire thing unfold.
She tried to draw them in with a talk about the Dental Assisting program and the importance of Oral Health but it quickly became obvious they were not with her.. nooot exactly.
She finished her Teeth Spiel and asked if there were any questions.
Suddenly I hear a little tiny little boy voice, so very politely say…
“Can you tell me about the Hot Dog eating contest please?”
By every lab door there is a flier for an upcoming hot dog eating contest at our campus. The little boy hadn’t been too excited about a career in health but that’s ok. I think he has a very promising career ahead of him with hot dog eating contests.