To perfectly coupon this deal I paid for them each seperately, using the ECB from the purchase before to pay for each one. Thankfully it went very quickly and only one person came up behind me.
When I was done the cashier pointed out to me that I'd been selected for a survey and could win 1,000 if I participated. I said THINK OF ALL THE NAILPOLISH I COULD BUY WITH THAT!! ESPECIALLY IF I HAD COUPONS!!!
She was still laughing as I left the store.
After that I STILL had time so I ran to the gas station and topped off my tank while gas is still 3.67. I'm going home for the weekend and that uses a painful 5 gallons there and back. Ouch. But totally worth it to spend time with my family.
And to cap it off a picture of a very happy me at the end of my break. Its amazing what one can do in an hour! Now I don't have to go anywhere after work and can sit on my couch in dry pants and paint my toesies :) Actually, I should be packing to go home!!