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Sicky Sicky Poo

I know this will come as a complete and total shock to everyone, but I'm sick! Yes, yes I know. Somehow I contacted a Kidney Infection!! I had a great Saturday with my parents and I ran around doing all kinds of stuff, and you know, having a life!

Sunday I woke up before my church alarm went off and I felt drugged tired. I knew I wouldn't make it through church so I stayed home and slept until 3:30 pm!!! Got up, emailed Mom, and slept until 8 pm. Got up, emailed Mom, and went to bed. I should have known that my body was trying to fight off something.

I woke up Monday morning and felt miserable. So pukey feeling and my body hurt. But I had no choice but to go to work so I took as many medicines I could and headed in! I felt like death! And then my lower back (kidneys) started hurting sooo bad. It was stabbing pain. I half doubled over a few times, but I was trying not to worry Sherita.

Made it through work and charged through Piano lessons and then went home and just collapsed. I knew something was wrong with me but didn't know when I could go to Urgent Care.

Thankfully I was able to go over lunch on Tuesday and found out to my surprise that I had a kidney infection!! I was glad that I had something they could treat, I was worried I would go in and they would say it's my normal body sicknesses that i deal with and I would just have to wait for it to subside. So I was very happy to find out I had a kidney infection!!

I took this lovely picture while I was in the treatment room at UC I was a sad yucky feeling little girl! I am feeling somewhat better, not wanting to pukey, but still having some pain.


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