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Twas the night before Christmas Eve......

In typical fashion I am about three years behind the rest of the world and didn't realize that Blogger had a new interface. I know, I know, I struggle. So I finally switched and I have to say it does much it much easier to blog! Maybe I will blog more often now? ha ha....

I also messed with the template settings a bit and the background. I wanted to clean up the links and overall look and feel of it a bit. I think it looks pretty good! I also think I will have my fabulous friend Jordy make me a new blog background for my birthday coming up. I need to start thinking about designs!!

I have enjoyed my quiet time at work with my co workers gone. I've gotten to choose my own music and sound level and actually gotten to choose whether I want music on or not! Glory!! 

And I have finally jumped on the spotify bandwagon and finally feel like a cool kid. (Just ignore the fact that I listened to NSYNC's Christmas CD and Charlie Brown) It seems like half of my church uses it and everytime I got on facebook I saw all the music they were listening to and finally just couldn't resist.

I really want to put in some witty comment about what's next  me doing *insert latest coolest fad* but the sad truth is I have no idea what the latest coolest fad or thing is.

Moving on...

So I have decided for a New Year's goal, that I am going to memorize two scripture passages a month. For January I am focusing on the following:

Ephesians 6:19-20

New International Version (NIV)
19 Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, 20 for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should. 

1 Thessalonians 4:11-12

New International Version (NIV)
11 and to make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you, 12 so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody. 

So come the middle to end of January if you see me, feel free to quiz me on these and see if I have them memorized yet! And if anyone has an idea for February's verses by all means please share!

The whole Tim Tebow thing (yet another example of how out of it I am. Just learned about him like two weeks ago) has gotten me thinking and praying alot. Yes, he's an amazing good looking guy and the fact that he was homeschooled like me and grew up on a farm makes me want to find him and drag him to my pastor's for a ceremony, but i digress. 

But other than all of that he is really living a Christian life. I have to admit it's challenged me a lot reading articles and his quotes and interviews, seeing his Godly reactions has made me realize on how much mine lack at times. (ok alot of times) and God has been working on me with that. 

I've been drawn back to one of the last Bible Studies we had this fall talking about how we live the Christian life and how it needs to not be something about oh look how they do this, they are nice, but more of WOW. There is no way I could ever do that, that's not even possible or of this world. Showing people that it's not you. It's not that you have a great personality, it's bigger than you and only can be done through Christ. Joanna Weaver put it much better than I ever could, so go pick up Lazarus Awakening and head towards the last few chapters and you'll get what I'm ever so poorly trying to say.

I think that's why he is so popular and everyone is talking about him, because really, there is no way he could be like what he is without Christ. I am sure he is a nice guy and he looks easy going and friendly, but if he didn't have Christ and wasn't seeking him with all of his heart and striving to live for him, he would just be like your average football player and normal person. 

It's not Tim Tebow that makes him so TIM TEBOW, it's Christ. And I really have been convicted that I need to be seeking God more and letting him work in me and through me. And that's one of the reasons I want to memorize the Eph verse. I think that pretty much sums it up.


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