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I have been a horrible blogger as of late. Which I'm sure you all have noticed. Life has been pretty busy with gearing up for my move in 11 days!!!! WHOO HOO!! My poor apt is covered with boxes, most of my stuff is packed up, minus my kitchen, which gets attacked by my Mom this week. I am very much looking forward to NOT living from boxes and having everything out and put away. I'm glad I started packing early, but I am ready to not be living out of boxes and not know where certain things are at that I'm searching for. 

I did get to see my new place a few weeks ago and I am absolutely in love with it! It has TONS of space! 1,024 sq ft as opposed to my 785 of the moment. It's a two story townhouse so I even have an upstairs! The bedrooms are upstairs as well as more closet space than you can ever imagine. Seriously, It's crazy! I've been looking at design blogs online trying to figure out a system to organize my huge closets. In the spare bedroom/office an entire wall is made up of closet space, it's also very deep. So I've been looking at options of stuff to try and figure out how I can organize and store stuff in my closet and be able to find things easier than having alot of Rubbermaid tubs.

It seems like my life has been rather consumed with the move lately. I will be happy to have it over with and be able to talk about something a little more interesting. I'm beginning to bore myself with moving plans and all that.

In other news I used self tanning towellettes this weekend, courtesy of my June Birchbox and my legs are no longer pasty pale white. I think I may have to invest in some more of these or some Jergen's stuff. My legs look a whole lot better with some (safe) color on them. 

I am officially addicted to In Plain Sight, which really stinks since the show just ended. This weekend I bought Season 4 and 5 on Amazon Video and yeah, I watched all of Season 4 in three days. I told you, addicted. 

I am trying to grow my hair out to around my shoulders, and while I'm waiting to get it thinned and shaped, I am close to shaving it off! 90+ degrees and humidity out the wazoo are making for some really awkward hair days. I've started pulling it back half way thru the day, sometimes it's cute, other times, ehh not so much! I wonder if I'm the only one that has such egregious hair struggles....


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