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The Mis-Adventures of Audie and Cherrybear Part 7897 Hanging Curtain Rods

 Friday night Audra and I had a brilliant plan for our first Girls Nite at my new place! We planned to have my fancy new toasted sandwiches that I made up, after we hung my new curtains. After finding a baby power drill in my tool box I was sure that this was going to be easy peasy. Like all ill fated plans it was not to be so.
 As you can see it started out well. Audie took the first try of putting up number 1 of 3 three brackets. While she worked on that I went to get a hammer and nail since we were having issues starting the hole. While I was getting the items I smelled something burning. It turns out when you have piled thick slices of tomatoes on you homemade sandwiches and put them in a toaster oven, the tops of them get burnt. Whoops. So I rescued the sandwiches and cut new tops to them and put them in the over to melt the brie cheese and get all yummy. I set the timer on 10 minutes thinking that's all the time it would take to install the curtain rods.
 Boy oh boy was I wrong. If you notice here I am still in the same position of bracket #1. Audra needed a break as she had been working on it for 15 minutes and her arm was hurting. So I got up on the chair and gave it the ol college try. Again. and Again. And Again. Sweet Nibbletts.
 This is my face of utter elation after we had gotten ONE, yes I said ONE bracket in the wall. There was lots of whoo'hoo'ing and YEAH BABY being screamed from my house. My neighbors prolly really wondered about me. But Alas we still had TWO more brackets to go. Sweet Nibbletts.
 Meanwhile Cubbie was watching us work and work and work. Good thing Audra brought him toys to play with! He was so cute! When they pulled up to my house, i opened the storm door and he saw me through the screen and he got the biggest smile on his face! Audie opened the back door and he jumped out and ran right for me and for my house! Sooo sweet! He warms my heart! Love that Boy!!
Back to the drilling. I will shorten this sad story and tell you that in it's entirety it took us a little over an HOUR AND A HALF to install that darned curtain rod. We finally got the other two brackets installed, hung the rod and curtains up, and all but the first one looked like they were going to fall staight out of the wall. I about bawled!

I decided it was time to get serious! So I uninstalled the droopy two brackets and switched out the screws that came with it, that kept stripping and instead used some drywall screws I had. VOILA! Those babies went in like butter! Well, almost. Much much easier than it was with the other ones! I wish I had thought of that during the aforementioned hour and a half of arm cramps.
 We finally got done and ate our food, we were literally sweating. It was just sad! Meanwhile Cubbie found a light up toy that I had and he was greatly entertained!
 He went for that toy like crazy everytime the lights flashed! It was hilarious!!!!!
 *Please excuse my pasty white legs* We were sitting on the couch and apparently cubs needed some love as he jumped right up and laid on me! He proceeded to get even more comfortable and laid his head over my legs and took a snooze! Apparently watching us work was exhausting:)
 The finished product! I LOVE my curtains!!! I struggled with a migraine the whole weekend and Monday so it was really great to have curtains up to block out the light. It really helped! I am not sold on my baker's rack there but we'll see..
 Pretty, shiny, beautiful!!
 OH curtains.. how I love thee!
Even though it was rough it was definitely worth it! Although I have to confess I have a fear that Audra will never come over again. The first time she was here she helped me move in on one of the hottest days of the year, the second time she's here for girls nite i put her to work for an hour and a half hanging curtains! She is a good friend to do that and I was thankful to have someone to laugh with!


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