Late, very late, last fall I planted tulips in my random weird corner plot in my front yard. I planted an entire bag of them, and wondered if any would come up. Miraculously some have! I was beyond excited to see flowers growing and blooming!! I took these pictures on Friday and I'm sure my neighbors thought I was weird for taking pictures of my three flowers but I did not care! I was really glad I got pictures of this pretty blood orange tulip, since I woke up Saturday morning and looked outside and some stupid animal had destroyed it!!! ARRRRGGHHHHHHHH!!! I saw the petals laying so sadly on the ground and I nearly cried. I'm having a massive Animal Planet issue in my backyard, and apparently my front yard as well. I have a huge groundhog who thinks he owns the backyard and under my shed and an entire colony of rabbits. Yes, I'm thrilled. *sarcasm* Now that I'm a homeowner I am finding that weekends are a little different than they used ...