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Just call me Jharity Duggar + LifeCare Services

I have a confession. I love the Duggars. Their show has become my favorite show to watch, and I feel like I know them. So much that Audra and I are always texting/emailing eachother to share the latest Duggar news, like they are our actual friends IRL. "Jill finally had her baby! He is so cute!"  " Did you see Jessa's wedding dress? SO beautiful! I want to wear that!" 

We cry and I mean CRY at the wedding episodes, (Jessa+Ben's wedding was our fave) and just really enjoy watching them. It's nice to have a show that I can watch and not have to worry about stuff I don't want to see. And honestly, it is kind of encouraging television! The Duggar's have given me some ideas on different ways to serve and have even convicted me at times.

So yes, I am a Duggar Fan. 

And Proud of it!

So when I was at Jboz's baby shower a few weeks ago Bethy informed me that Josh Duggar was coming to Purdue to speak at a banquet, I knew I was going even if I had to go alone!

Well it turns out that I have several Duggar Fan Friends :)

So last Thursday night I picked up Preggo Eggo, aka Jboz, and we went to Purdue to meet up with Audra and her friend Angela. I have no pictures of the latter two, as Miss Addie was wanting her Momma, so they had to leave early from the banquet. 

It was a really nice event, held in a ballroom at Purdue. I was so surprised to see so many people I knew there and even more surprised to find out that several of my friends worked at LifeCare! (More on LifeCare at the end of the post)

We had special music by the great and awesome Joel Brovont and I nearly died when I saw Josh videoing Joel singing! Joel was our former worship leader at our old church,, and now has his second cd out! Clearly Josh has good taste! :) (When I got home I looked at his twitter and facebook and he had posted the video of Joel and also posted a link to buy his CD!!)

 Me and Preggo Eggo. I don't know why I call her that but it just fits. We both managed to sit for almost 3.5 hours. I almost needed a hip transplant at the end of it, and we won't discuss our bladders, but we stuck through it!
 Funny Story. As we were trying to make our way thru the crowd to get in line for a picture with Josh, I saw the back of a dark hair lady's head, and this mustard colored purse. I said to Jboz- I recognize that purse! I think that's my friend Holly! Well of course when you think you know someone, they never turn their head around, so I just kept staring at her purse, so sure it was her. Finally as we got in line she turned around and I was right!! Apparently I really know my friends accessories! HA! So good to see my sweet Holly!
And finally the moment we'd waited for! Meeting Josh! Aka our new Bestie. He was really nice, duh, and talked to us for almost 10 minutes! I told Jboz as we were driving home how terrible I would be as a famous person. I am not good at small talk, I wouldn't want to be followed around having people take my picture and having to meet new people and talk to them all the time. I don't know how he, and the rest of the family does it! But he was very gracious and talked to us just like we were friends he went to church with, talking after a service.

Also, he was taller than me. Which for some reason surprised me! ha! I don't know why! I guess you really can't judge people's height on tv!

We were bummed that Anna wasn't there, and told him to say Hi to her for us (hahah like we know her! we're stalkers, so awkward!) and that we missed seeing her there. She is expecting just like Jboz and due in July so I don't blame her for not being able to fly here! Flying is uncomfortable when you're not pregnant.

So all in all it was a great night and was really neat to meet Josh! I am learning that several of my students are big Duggar fans, so I am finally winning some cool points with them :)

You might be wondering what Josh was speaking at/for. Well it was a fundraiser dinner for LifeCare Services here in West Lafayette. It's a super awesome place to go if you're pregnant and want some practical, non judgmental help, FREE of charge! I had no clue they existed, but I was really interested to hear about what they have to offer. 

They do pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, STD and STI testing, they have all kinds of parenting classes, breastfeeding classes, basically everything you need to know if you're having a baby. And it's all free of charge!

 The coolest thing was that for each class you attend you earn "Bucks" and you can use those to "purchase" baby clothes, and items at their little store. So cool! I copied a list of some of their services from the website below.  I think it's really neat that we have this here and ANYONE can go there and get whatever help they need!

Practical Assistance Free of Charge

  • Pregnancy tests
  • Information on pregnancy and fetal development
  • Options information
  • Maternity clothing
  • Baby clothing & equipment
  • Adoption information & referrals
  • Referrals for financial assistance, physicians, maternity housing and more
  • Post abortion counseling
  • Fatherhood support
  • Parenting Classes


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